1000W Zipper Off Road Electric Scooter Review

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Updated 2:48 pm

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If power is what you want to wield, the 1000W Zipper Off Road Electric Scooter is equipped to be the best electric scooter for climbing hills. Rather than have you stand the entire time, the 1000W Zipper has a comfortable seat for you to relax in while you hit 28mph top speed and tackle nearby inclines off-road.

Why We Like It – 1000W Zipper Off Road Electric Scooter

For climbing hills in a comfortable fashion, the 1000W Zipper Off Road Electric Scooter is fitted with a comfortable seat and is pushed by a 1000W motor that can reach 28mph.

  • 28mph top speed
  • Comfortable seating keeps you in upright position
  • Tackles hills pretty well
  • Very long recharge time


The 1000W Zipper Off Road Electric Scooter manages to bring the power of dirt bikes to relatively small scooters electric devices. With a 1000W motor, you’re picking up speeds of 28mph—45km if you prefer. More importantly, the torque and thick off-road tires make it easy to go from road to dirt in one split decision.

Related: Also check out our Yokohama Avid Ascend Radial Tire review.


There’s a fair amount of safety built into the 1000W Zipper Off Road Electric Scooter. You get a bright, LED light on the front, a suspension system that absorbs bumps and grooves (single coil in the front, twin coil in the back), and vented disc brakes in both the front and rear. You also get a wider deck, which helps keep your riding experience a bit more stable. Speaking of safety, if you need help moving a heavy vehicle saely, check out our 5060 Tire Skates Bearings Moving review.

Battery Life

As far as road electric scooters go, the 1000W Zipper Off Road Electric Scooter’s battery life leans into the “average” territory. On a single charge, you can travel for 30km (just under 19 miles). For comparison, the Glion Dolly Foldable Lightweight Adult Electric Scooter is subpar at 15 miles.


Made of high tension steel (the frame) and wood, the 1000W Zipper Off Road Electric Scooter is coming along as solid and incredibly strong. It needs to be considering it can push fast speeds and take on sketchy environments. The suspension system and off-road tires are especially good.


If you think $449 is too much for the 1000W Zipper Off Road Electric Scooter, lend me your ear: the NanRobot D4+ and the NanRobot D5+ are $1400 and more, for what is essentially a slight boost in power. This makes the Zipper Scooters much more accessible for less, while still being incredibly powerful in its own right.

1000W Zipper Off Road Electric Scooter Wrap Up

The 1000W Zipper Off Road Electric Scooter is like when you take quad bikes, strip them down to two wheels, and strap a comfortable seat onto it. There’s a 1000W motor backing up its 28mph speed and torque that does so well at climbing inclines. Its pricing is what’s most surprising, considering how well it runs.

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