I workout a fair bit. I’m not saying I’m in great shape, but I make it a point to lift weights, run when I have the patience, as well as engage in a few days of a martial art. Sometimes it can leave my body a bit drained, which includes sore muscles (gotta love that feeling), clicking joints and aching tendons.
In fact, I’m no stranger to a sore arm which is analogous, or so I’ve been told, to that of elbow tennis. It’s effectively a repetitive motion injury that is a result of spending countless hours on a computer and/or smartphone and exacerbated by not stretching before working out.
I’ve worked for the past year to recover from my would be tennis elbow injury and while I’m not 100% I’ve come quite far. Far enough that I can now perform bicep and tricep exercises. However, I still suffer from some soreness in my arm after completing the aforementioned exercises, which in turn deters me from repeating them again, at least not for a few week’s time. That is until I tried out 2XU’s Compression Arm Sleeve. I discovered that the best clothing apparel can make a difference.
A single box costs $45 and includes two sleeves that cover your arm from wrist to just below your arm pit. I wore a size medium which took a bit of force to get it completely on, but hence the nature of compression wear – it’s designed to be very snug to help promote blood circulation and thus increase recovery and reduce fatigue.
To be candid I’ve long been a skeptic of compression clothing as it’s got a bit of a snake oil like ring to it (you can also avoid falling victim to hackers and pickpockets with the right clothing accessory. To learn more, check out our Arw Carbon Fiber Wallet Review). Nevertheless, that didn’t stop me from wanting to try it and the results, at least for me – each person’s body is different – were pretty remarkable.
To test it out, I completed a few work outs without the 2XU. This stirred up a bit of the familiar tennis elbow pain in my right arm – to be completely clear it’s more forearm pain just above the elbow. On my third work out I started sans 2XU sleeve. After 20 minutes in I applied it. The result? My arm not only hurt less during the workout, but my recovery time was shortened (less pain faster). Want to keep warm and chat with friends while doing your workouts? The Tutuko Bluetooth Speakers Rechargeable Christmas is the way to go.
There is no doubt that I was able to garner some mental well-being or assurance from the 2XU sleeve, but there is also no disputing that it added just enough support and pressure to keep things in check. Fold in the blood flow benefits and it’s no wonder my recovery was significantly shortened, or so it would seem.
I know this all sounds too good to be true, and trust me, I went in a none believer. But compressions clothing, at least in the case of the 2XU Sleeves, does really does work.