Mission Workshop Arkiv Modular Systems Review

Edgar Munguia Avatar

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Updated 11:25 pm

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From our Best Backpacks comes a collection of backpacks and accessories from Arkiv. The mission workshop Arkiv modular systems has three major backpacks to choose from which are the travel pack, the camera and laptop pack, and the sling pack. From here the fun starts by choosing the accessories that best fit your lifestyle. The end result is a backpack that fully meets your needs.

Why We Like It – Mission Workshop Arkiv Modular Systems

Mission Workshop Arkiv Modular Systems Is a collection of field packs with multiple accessories to best fit your needs. This collection is weatherproof so you don’t have to worry about your possessions getting ruined. This is a premier backpack that you can fully customize with everything from additional pockets to waist belts. In case you are looking for a simpler bag for your swimming or beach expeditions, try out the May Tree Clear Backpack.

  • Many accessories to choose from
  • Weatherproof
  • Overpriced


The R6 Arkiv field pack along with the other packs are weatherproof so they will withstand harsh weather conditions. The main compartment comes with the field packs. From there, you can add on a roll top to your pack and you will have more room for your possessions. The packs include rails that can be used for different attachments you purchase. These field packs are good for laptops, and you can add different things to carry your cell phone and other gear. If you are hoping to find something that you don’t have to customize, please consider the Matein travel laptop backpack.


Here is where the Arkiv Modular Systems thrive. You can choose from waist packs, cellphone packs, tool packs, tech cases, folio cases, zipped pockets, utility pockets, and more to go into your personalized field pack. There are no limits to the customizable features you can add, as long as you have the money for it you can keep stacking up your field pack. There are other multifunction backpacks from our list like the Nike Hayward 2.0 Backpack that are great fits for athletes.


While there are multiple ways to customize your field pack, adding on most of the attachments with the field pack can already come out to almost a thousand dollars. I must say for that price, it does not seem like it’s gonna be a smart investment for someone on a budget. For these prices, you can just get yourself the North Face borealis backpack for way less. But for those not on a strict budget, you will get to enjoy these weatherproof packs.

Mission Workshop Arkiv Modular Systems Wrap Up

For whoever can afford it, the Mission Workshop Arkiv Modular System is an elite class of backpacks that can be customized to your heart’s desires. With the plethora of attachments available, you can have a pocket for almost anything and you can rest assured that your product has a lifetime warranty in case of any defects.

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