Capri Tools Vacuum Brake Bleeder Review

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Updated 11:25 pm

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Most motorists are aware of how dangerous air bubbles in the brake system are. Its potential to cause brake failure when you’re driving is huge, and this is why you ought to take very serious precautions to ensure that your brake system never fails you when you’re on the road. One of those precautions includes getting a brake bleeding kit. Having one stored at the back of your boot allows you to bleed your system once you sense even the slightest bit of unresponsiveness when pushing down your brake pedal. A reliable brake bleeder kit that would be wise to consider is the Capri Tools Vacuum Brake bleeder. It’s ranked second on our best brake bleeder kit list, and you’re welcome to read on and find out why. You may also want to see how it compares to other top-rated car accessories.

Why We Like It – Capri Tools Vacuum Brake Bleeder

The Vacuum brake bleeder kit is one of the best brake bleeder kits you can find right now because it’s easy to use, works a little more quietly than others and is compatible with a wide range of ABS braking systems.

  • Very easy to use
  • Integrated silencer for quiet work
  • Long 40-inch silicone hose
  • Air compressor isn’t included


The Capri Tools Vacuum brake bleeder stands out a lot due to its ability to work with a wide variety of ABS brake systems. It’s got the capacity to hold up to 2 liters of brake fluid, and features a silicone hose with a universal rubber adapter, which is a lot more versatile than the Motive Products European Bleeder Pressure kit which has a 45mm thread. On it’s top side, you’ll find a trigger that activates it’s suction mechanism when pressed down, making the vacuum bleeder very easy to use. This vacuum pump is also a lot more silent compared to a lot of other brake bleeder kits since it comes fitted with an integrated silencer.

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Meant to be portable and easy to move around, the Capri Tools vacuum brake bleeder comes in a small size, though it is made of good quality materials. The Capri tools vacuum kit includes the brake bleeder itself, a 40-inch silicone hose and a universal rubber adapter. Anything else you’ll have to buy separately. The brake bleeder kit weighs about 2.99 pounds, and is quite different from the Motive Products Pressure Clutch Bleeder because of the lack of a hand pump and a pressure gauge.

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Since ABS brake systems are the most commonly used in a large variety of car brands, the Capri Tools vacuum brake bleeder is easily one of the most popular picks for most car owners. Also, by virtue of being easy to use, most people shouldn’t have a problem bleeding their cars by themselves. Unfortunately, this bleeding kit doesn’t include an air compressor or a pressure gauge like the HTOMT Automotive Protected Adapters Bleeding set includes , so you might have to get those two separately before you start brake bleeding your vehicle.

Capri Tools Vacuum Brake Bleeder Wrap Up

Solving these kinds of problems from your car requires that you have a good amount of interest, as well as some mechanical knowledge of how your car’s hydraulic brakes work. If you’re not, then you’ll just have to call your local mechanic just because you don’t have a bleeding kit. This might not be ideal because of the costs involved, so go ahead and get this vacuum brake bleeder because it’s one of the best brake bleeder kits available in the market.

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