What is a Four Thirds Digital Camera?

Updated: Jun 27, 2022 11:12 PM
What is a Four Thirds Digital Camera?

If you’re a photography enthusiast looking for a versatile top-rated digital camera, you can’t go wrong with a Four Thirds camera. So, just what is a Four Thirds Digital Camera? In a nutshell, it’s a camera system that offers you the ability to combine camera bodies with interchangeable lenses from different manufacturers.


  • A Micro Four Thirds is great for videos.
  • If you are looking for a compact camera, then a Micro Four Thirds is a good pick.
  • A Micro Four Thirds camera uses different lenses from different manufacturers.

Why is it Called Micro Four Thirds?

Also called a Micro 4/3rd, M4/3, or MFT, the name comes from the sensor’s aspect ratio. While the aspect ratio of the APS-C sensor in other digital cameras is 3:2, the sensor in a Micro Four Thirds camera is 4:3, or about the printing size of an 8×10.

Examples of the Four Thirds camera include the Panasonic Lumix DMC-G7, Panasonic Lumix DMC-G1, Panasonic Lumix DMC-GH5S, Lumix DC-GH5 Mirrorless Micro, Olympus OM-D E-M10 Mark III, Panasonic Lumix DC-GH5S, Olympus Pen E-P1, and Olympus Pen E-P2.

Let’s take a look at some of the benefits of using this camera.

Four Benefits of Using a Micro Four Thirds Camera

A Compact Camera Ideal for Full-Scale Video Recording

A Micro Four Thirds provides advanced shooting capabilities without the need for bulky equipment for an effortless video recording experience This makes it the best option for travel cameras, even if you’re going to be taking a lot of action shots. If you want a much more compact camera then you may want to find out what a digital point and shoot camera is.

Insider Tip

MFTs provide a shallower depth of field than other cameras, but you can solve this problem by attaching a fast glass to the camera body using an adapter.

Use a Lineup of Different Lenses

The open design standard of Micro Four Thirds combines interchangeable lenses and camera systems from different brands without limiting someone to using lenses and cameras from one company.

Compact, Lightweight, and Excellent Image Quality

The ability of this device to provide better image quality at a compact size is a result of the optimal relationship between the mount and the image sensor size.

Origins of the Micro Four Thirds Sensor

In 2008, Panasonic and Olympus agreed to build a digital camera and fit it with a standard lens mount that would allow both companies to attach their lenses on the same mount. This setup allows any Micro Four Thirds owner to use lenses from the two competing companies on the same camera.

The Role of the Digital Camera Sensor Size

A Micro Four Thirds has a compact sensor that is a quarter of the size of a full-frame camera sensor. Therefore, if you want to get quality shots with an easy-to-carry small sensor camera, the M4/3 is a good fit. You may also want to find out what is fps in digital camera before you invest in a camera.


What is the Difference Between Full-frame and Micro Four Thirds?

Generally, MFT digital sensors are approximately half the size of full-frame sensors.

What is APS-C in photography?

APS-C (Advanced Photo System type-C) is the name of an image processing engine format that measures 25.1mmx16.7mm in physical size with an aspect ratio of 3:2. All versions of the APS-C camera sensor are smaller than the 35mm film, measuring 36mmx24mm.

Do all Micro Four Thirds lenses fit all cameras?

Yes. All MFT lenses can easily fit on any brand of the Micro Four Thirds camera body.

STAT: In 2020, Canon dominated the global digital cameras market with a market share of over 45%. (source)

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