How to Get Customers to Buy your Product

Updated: Jun 27, 2022 11:13 PM
How to Get Customers to Buy your Product

Understanding how to get customers to buy your product requires you to sell more of your product using your consumer’s language. Customers do not purchase because of the features of your product. Instead, their purchase decision is influenced by how they perceive some of the benefits they will get from the product’s features.


  • Always point out the benefits of your product about how it solves a customer’s problem.
  • Begin by asking about the well-being of your customer before introducing the product.
  • Use plain and straightforward language to communicate your message to your audience.

Unfortunately, most marketing and sales messages are full of features but leave the customer to wonder about the product’s benefits. So, let us look at five rules you need to follow to communicate the benefits more than the features. This may be challenging for the marketing team of a big company like Amazon for example, considering how many products they offer.

Steps for Getting Customers to Purchase your Product/Service

STEP 1 Understand the Difference Between Benefits and Features

A feature is what a product is made of, while a benefit is how the product can solve the customer’s concern. For example:

Wrong: This is a small laptop.

Right: You can easily carry this laptop in an envelope.

Note: Positive customer feedback will also reflect the benefits of the product, just like the verified purchaser reviews on Amazon.

STEP 2Use Vivid and Plain Language

Use simple, emotional, and bold words to communicate the benefits of your product. This way, they will remember the benefit for an extended period. For example:

Wrong: The keyboard has a backlight.

Right: You can easily type your work in a dark room because of the backlit keys.

STEP 3 Avoid Using Jargon

Using technical jargon can cause disinterest in a customer because the word does not connect with the person reading it. For example:

Wrong: 27-inch screen for gaming.

Right: You can play highly immersive games with a large screen.

STEP 4 Write a Short List of Benefits

People can only hold very few thoughts in the short-term memory. Therefore, with a long list of benefits, you will confuse the customer. For instance:

Wrong: The top 10 benefits of using this product.

Right: “Two things you can appreciate about this product are….”

STEP 5 Stress on the Uniqueness of your company or Product

Differences that separate you from the other options will convince customers to purchase your product. For example:

Wrong: Our laptop can enable you to work from anywhere.

Right: Our customers rarely take this laptop to the repair shop for the first seven years.

STEP 6 Express the Benefits of Using your Product

If you place abstract benefits, customers will ignore them because of the vague adjectives and adverbs. However, if you put more specific and concrete benefits, it will stick in their minds for a while. For example:

Wrong: You can get a long battery life with our laptop.

Right: Our laptop offers 7 hours of battery life without connecting to the charger.

STEP 7 Ask About the Well-being of the Client

Start by first checking the well-being of the customer. According to research, asking about the customer’s well-being can increase your sales. For instance, in an experiment carried out on waiters, those who gave positive comments to their customers increased the tips by 27%.


What is the importance of promoting my business?

To increase your sales and make your brand visible, you need to put more effort into promoting your product. With all the competitors out there, people are looking for a reliable provider they can easily find.

Why is it essential to have a marketing strategy?

Suppose you want to communicate the right message to the right audience at the right time. In that case, you need a strategy that will help you deliver the value you are providing effectively. Once you develop marketing strategies that will show how much your product or service can impact your customers’ lives, you can attract customers organically.

What is upselling in retail?

In retail, upselling is what you do to encourage shoppers to purchase a higher-priced version of an item. One way to upsell online is by introducing better-priced versions at different stages of the buyer’s journey. Examples of upselling steps include the product page and cart page. In addition, once a customer buys your product, you can send a post-purchase upselling email a few weeks/months later with the details of another new version.

STAT: A Harvard Business School report indicated that increasing customer retention by 5% increases profits by a margin of 25% to 95%. (source)

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