The importance of app reviews and ratings on Apple and Google’s app stores can’t be overestimated- you could be losing half your business to low ratings and small review numbers. Knowing how to get more app reviews is a crucial part of ensuring the success of the mobile app you’ve worked so hard to get onto the market.
- The best way to get more reviews is to use app review plugins that use a one-click action, asking customers directly for reviews.
- In-app FAQ and Support sections, as well as in-app review submission links, are great ways to get customer feedback and reviews outside away from the app store.
- Reviews and star ratings are critical to app store success- over 50% of consumers say they won’t consider an app purchase if it has a three-star rating or under.
All major app stores offer several tools that can help drive customer engagement, but beyond that, there are a few simple rules to follow and basic approaches to ensure consistent feedback and build trust with consumers.
Why App Reviews Matter
Both negative reviews and positive reviews -and getting as many of them as possible- are keys to an app’s sales. Reviews and the star ratings they come with directly affect your rankings on all app platforms, meaning more reviews and higher ratings equals more visibility for your app, and search engine results showing your app before lower-rated ones.
How to Get More App Reviews
There are a few fairly easy ways to start getting more app reviews and higher app store ratings, as well as encouraging more positive feedback while still getting honest feedback.
App Review Plugins
The fastest and easiest way to get more reviews- and for customers to write them- is to let them do it from within the app. There are multiple app plugins for iOS and Android that are quick and easy to install, and they all function pretty similarly- after a certain number of uses, a prompt will appear in the app with a “rate” button, which takes the user to the App store and opens up the review function, allowing them to write their review and rate the app with one button press.
Incentivize Feedback
Running a contest on a blog or offering discounts or extras in exchange for a review or a rating. Gamifying or incentivizing customer engagement makes it fun and helps spread the word, all of which will lead to more reviews and more ratings.
Respond to Feedback
Responding to a positive app review is fairly easy and intuitive, but responding to a bad review or negative feedback is even more crucial because it makes customers feel listened to and increases the chance a customer will keep coming to you as a developer and help spread the word.
What are app store reviews?
App Store reviews are reviews and star app ratings left on an app’s store page by customers who are verified purchasers of the app that are used by the platform to rank apps per category by popularity. They’re an essential tool for App Developers for engaging with customers and improving their products based on feedback.
Why are mobile app reviews important?
Both negative reviews and positive ones- as well as positive ratings and negative ratings- are crucial to improving a product’s ranking on both the platform’s App Store and in search engine results. They’re also essential parts of the app’s presence in the store since reviews and star ratings are displayed prominently on the product page.
IHow can I get better app reviews?
Obviously, improving your app is the best way to get better app reviews and app ratings, which means engaging with negative reviews and learning from such feedback is crucial, but in-app review links will also increase the likelihood of a customer both leaving a review in the first place and leaving a more positive one than they might if it requires more than one click to leave one.
STAT: 97% of Google Play reviews aren’t responded to by vendors (source)
STAT: 90% of consumers trust an online review as much as a recommendation from a friend or family member (source)
STAT: 79% of consumers read at least one app review before buying an app (source)