I’d like to say this is the year of the exploding battery, but it’s already 2007 and the Sony fiasco is yesteryear’s news. Fortunately (no I am not trying to make light of the situation…well sort of) it takes a ‘forceful impact’ to cause the battery to explode. No need to rescind our Lenovo LaVie Z Review. The recall affects over 200k laptop batteries made by Sanyo and are in the following Thinkpad models: R Series (R60 and R60e), T Series (T60 and T60p) and Z Series (Z60m, Z61e, Z61m, and Z61p). The other 100k laptop batteries were purchased as accessories sold between November 06 and February 07.
Official recall info here.
Lenovo Recalls 200,000 Thinkpad Batteries [ChannelRegister]
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