Virtual sex isn’t exactly a new thing, but throw in the Wiimote from Nintendo’s gaming console and you might have a new level of interaction. It’s called Mojowijo and uses some custom software and a pair of devices/accessories that attach to a Wiimote. If you like this concept, you’ll also be interested in our review of the fleshlight launchpad.
The idea is quite simple. The Wiimote detects movement (think thrusting and girating) and sends the info to a computer (no Wii necessary) running the custom software. This info is then transmitted to the other Wiimote over the Internet or via Bluetooth provided they’re in the same room. Effectively the Wiimote becomes a “shared, remote controlled vibrator”. Cool?
Right now they’re in the final stages of development and if you so choose you can get on board with their beta program. In exchange for your feedback you’ll get a free device.
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