Who is the Hottest Catwoman? (pics)

Christen da Costa Avatar
Updated 10:55 pm

Who is the Hottest Catwoman? (pics)

There have been many actresses who have played Gohtam’s naughty pussycat over the years, but who is the hottest? For the most recent Batman movie, it seems Anne Hathaway will be purring up to Batman in the upcoming The Dark Knight Rises…but many are wondering what type of seductress vixen will she be? Many don’t see it given her girl-next-door nature and beauty, but you never know…this might be the film that skyrockets her to sex kitten fame. Here’s a nice recap to help refresh your memory of all of Gothom’s Catwoman hotties…so who’s your hottest? If you love superhero’s, you’ll want to watch this Superman vs Hulk video too.

Oldies But Goodies

Who is the Hottest Catwoman? (pics)

Sexy Siren Julie Newmar was the first actress to depict the comic book vi

xen in 1966, and she’s definitely a head turner. Despite not showing any skin, the coy Newmar sported a skin-tight that gave the character a bit of an edge despite her too-cute-for school cat ears. She continued her role for two seasons of the “Batman” TV show before passing down the claws to another beauty. For more information, here’s what Sin City looks like without CGI.

Who is the Hottest Catwoman? (pics)

In 1967, the vibrant Eartha Kitt took over as Catwoman and provided a bit of sass to the role. She’s also famous for taking purring to a whole other level, rolling words like “peeeeeeeefect” and “puuuuuurloin” like no one’s business. She gets the award for being the Catwoman with the best tongue! You may also be interested in our review of the 12 sexiest women from the Batman movies.

Catwoman of the Big Screen

Who is the Hottest Catwoman? (pics)

Michelle’s Pfeiffer’s portrayal of the loony, yet VERY, sexy Catwoman in the big screen version of Batman (Batman Returns to be exact) has to be the best one so far! Not only did she look amazing in the leather outfit that was way tighter than before, but she also played the part so damn well…and let’s not forget about that hot red lipstick!

Who is the Hottest Catwoman? (pics)

Who is the Hottest Catwoman? (pics)

Then in 2005, Halle Berry took over the part in what has to be the worst Catwoman-based movie (it had very little to do with Batman), but also the sexiest at the same time. Her little bitty Catwoman suit is the best yet! But then add how hot Halle Berry is and you have the formula for a true sex kitten!

Who is the Hottest Catwoman? (pics)

Setting the bar pretty high, it doesn’t look as if the newest Catwoman, Anne Hathaway, will be able to fill Berry’s sexy ass stilettos. Not only does the suit look a bit prudish, but there’s really no sex appeal with her. Even Pfeiffer had some! Someone like Megan Fox or MoGowan would have been our choices for part…but there still might be hope for Hathaway if she dawns some super sexy attire in the move! Looks like we’re all just going to have to wait and see.

Who is the Hottest Catwoman? (pics)

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