Nixon Unit SS Watch Dives 300-Feet, Costs Just $200

Christen da Costa Avatar
Updated 10:56 pm

A good looking watch doesn’t need to cost thousands of dollars.  In fact, when you spend that kind of money on a watch you’re paying for its bespoke like quality and the company’s history.

Nixon Unit SS Watch Dives 300-Feet, Costs Just $200

The Nixon Unit SS is crafted from stainless steel and costs $200.  Swim to a depth of 100 meters and its digital display, and other instrumentation will keep on “ticking”. Features and functions include time of day (12 hour or 24 hour), calendar date, dual time, chronograph, timer, and the always useful temperature in C or F depending on your upbringing.  The face of the Unit SS is finished with a brushed aluminum like finish, while the band is composed of 3-links and can come in black or polished silver.  Alternatively, there is an all black version, which uses a green display instead of the red one pictured above.

No word on a release date, but expect it “soon”.

Nixon Unit SS Watch Dives 300-Feet, Costs Just $200

Nixon Unit SS Watch Dives 300-Feet, Costs Just $200

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