The ThinkGeek Maternity T-Shirt Tells It Like It Is

Christen da Costa Avatar
Updated 10:57 pm


When a woman gets pregnant, inevitably she gets a few novelty items among the actually useful stuff. There’s always somebody who’s got to take the opportunity for a small joke. So, you might as well prevent getting five different versions of the “baby with an arrow” t-shirt off at the pass for something a little more current, like this ThinkGeek maternity T-shirt.

Man, That’s A Large File

Essentially, it translates out gestating a new member of the human race into terms anybody in modern life can understand; a file download. Across the stomach of the shirt is a white bar and the text “Loading… Please Wait.” In other words, it gets the point across without being overly blunt. And the shirt itself is surprisingly wearable. A true homemaker will also love the Brother Quattro 6000D: Worlds first sewing machine with a camera HD LCD screen.

The Shirt Itself

More important than in most clothing, stretch is kind of a big deal with maternity wear, and this is built to stretch out. It’s a 60% cotton/40% polyester blend, for maximum stretch, and it has ruched sides so it’ll be easier to wear as you move along in the pregnancy process. Also, a big point in its favor is that it’s maternity wear that’s not pink, covered in flowers, or designed to make you look like a blimp. Women have been objecting to the state of maternity wear for decades now, and you’d think that there would be more takers than ThinkGeek on the topic of making something wearable in public.

Proper File Reproduction


Of course, you’ll probably wind up having to explain this joke to everyone older than fifty, so perhaps you keep the pink T-shirt your grandmother sent for those occasions. But otherwise, it’s a good shirt for day-to-day wear and you’ll find yourself happier to have a sense of humor about the whole process. It’s $25 from ThinkGeek.

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