Tackle Tough Situations With The Action Hero Toolkit, Let Your Inner MacGyver Shine (video)

Christen da Costa Avatar
Updated 10:58 pm

Let your inner MacGyver shine with the Action Hero Toolkit! The portable kit has everything you’ll need to bust a MacGyver in everyday situations, so that you’ll always the hero. This kit may not replace your best earthquake kit, but it’s small size makes it easy to take on any hike. If you worshipped his ingenious solutions as a kid and wish you could be as clever as he was, now here’s your chance. You can arm yourself with everything you need to MacGyver your way out of any problem that arises. the Hero Toolkit features a Bobby Pin to pick locks, Strike-Anywhere Match to light a seven second campfire, Rubber Band, Bubble Gum for those sticky situations, Birthday Candle, Paper Clip, Shoelace, 1 cent stamp, and Duct Tape that’s as strong as MacGyver’s jawline. All these handy items are easily stored in the pocket-sized toolbox that will fit in any action hero pants (all except tights, of course). Or, if you’re interested in another useful pack to take on your next survival trip, you should also read our review of how the First 24 is a survival kit for preppers and Mad Max cosplayers. And for only $5.95, it’s so low that even MacGyver would buy two! If you’re a true outdoorsman, you might also be interested in our stay safe in the wild with our Bear Grylls ultimate pack review.

action hero toolkit

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