Amazon Polls Consumers: PS4 or Xbox One…The Results Are Staggering

Christen da Costa Avatar
Updated 10:56 pm

Amazon PS4 vs Xbox One

Amazon has a massive customer base. But let me tell you something you already didn’t know.  The company has a Video Game specific Facebook page.  And on that page they hold a Versus poll, asking their customers to vote on two competing items.  I don’t know how many times they’ve done this, but that’s a moot concern.  What matters is that they recently posted a poll asking consumers to vote on their next-gen system of choice; the PS4 or Xbox One.  The results, to say the least, are staggering and tell tale.

The PS4, so far, has overwhelmingly outscored the Xbox One by a ratio of 17 to 1.  As of this posting, the PS4 had garnered 21,104 votes, where as the Xbox One has a mere 1,221.  There is currently 7 days and 6 hours left to vote, so it should be interesting to see what the final tally is, but one thing is for sure, the PS4 has this competition in the bag.

Of note, it probably didn’t help when Microsoft’s Don Mattrick told Xbox fans to get a 360 if they don’t like the always on Internet connection.

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