Avatar The Last Airbender Review

Edgar Munguia Avatar

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Updated 11:25 pm

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From our Best Shows On Netflix, Avatar: The Last Airbender is an animated series about four nations at war. During the first season that aired more than 10 years ago, the fire nation tries to conquer the other three elements’ nations, which are water, earth, and air. The prophecy in the show explains that the Avatar is the only one that can stop the fire nation. The Avatar role was initially rejected by Aang, but after learning about what happened to his nation he changed his mind. After this series, feel free to continue your cartoon streak with Big Mouth, another of the best animated series on our list. You may also try shows available on other best streaming services.

Why We Like It – Avatar The Last Airbender Review

Suitable for the entire family to watch

  • Great animated martial arts
  • Live action movie did no justice

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Expect to see great displays of martial arts as the element benders use their techniques during battles. Aang is the Airbender, taking himself out of many situations by using the air to his will. Katara and Sokka, members of the water nation, accompany Aang on his road to becoming the Avatar. The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance is another show from our list that is a great family-friendly adventure like Avatar, except this features full puppet animation.


This series is a kid’s cartoon show, so if you are expecting some graphic blood-bashing action, a better show will be Breaking Bad. If you are trying to see something with less action and more controversy, a better choice will be Dear White People. Aang, Katara, Sokka are the main characters trying to bring back the Avatar. Expect to see these characters using their wits and powers to outsmart their enemies. Water, earth, fire, and air are the four elements that birthed these nations, so you will see a variety of fighters defending their people.


This is a great cartoon that you can watch with your kids or on your own. There are plenty of fighting scenes that will keep you glued to the screen. Expect massive amounts of battles between the fire nation and the other nations. Make sure you stick around till the third season to see the other nations come together to help bring back the Avatar. After the series is done, feel free to also see the live-action movie that was recently released.

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Avatar The Last Airbender Review Wrap Up

For the first time, Aang wants to pursue his legacy and become the Avatar. Aang will have to master all the elements to withstand a chance against Prince Zuko and the fire nation. While the live-action movie did not meet my expectations, there are still three great seasons that did make this series successful.

Edgar Munguia Avatar
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