Babylon 5 Review

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Updated 11:25 pm

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Babylon 5 is a sci fi show streaming now on Amazon Prime Video. J Michael Straczynski created this series back in 1994 to take place between five year span during 2257–2262 . The story revolves around captain Sheridan from the earth alliance managing space relations among other intelligent forces. Throughout the years, shadow wars have left some aliens to feel a certain resentment towards others, and this is how the conflict stirs the pot. This series was distributed by Warner Bros back in 1994, so if this is far too old for you we have many other suggestions like The Boys from our Best Shows On Amazon. And in case you want to check other streaming platforms, you may read the best streaming services available today!

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Why We Like It – Babylon 5 Review

Babylon 5 is a series fit for all science fiction fans. Take a trip into the world of Babylon, a space station built for the sole purpose of having a place where all beings from the universe may connect. This is a good series if you are fiending for an imaginative series that showcases some of the imaginative work coming out of the 90’s.

  • Alien societies
  • Memorable special effects
  • Lazy writing
  • Corny looking space

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As for the first season, it was enjoyable to see each actor get into their role of playing a cordial alien among many other civilizations. There are certainly some parts in the series where the writing lacked creativity, but it still was enjoyable. A sure miss for me was the first confrontation between the ambassadors. Thousands of miles up in space, but they still tussle with fists? It doesn’t seem to be too many intelligent aliens out there if the best method of combat are these hands. Maybe it lacked some effort, or maybe I’ve just been spoiled by Star Trek and Star Wars to last till season five.


While some of the costumes are spot on with looking out of this tv series, some of the costumes look goofy, but that’s the magic of sci-fi anything is possible. I personally think anyone can enjoy the playfulness that comes with imagining beings from space. Even if it means there is an alien race with balding heads and long spiked up hair looking like a retired vampire in a punk band, it is all valid out here. I understand that it may be hard to get into these classics so after this feel free to hop on the first episode of The Americans or Carnival Row.


Babylon 5 is a great show to get into if you’re into seeing outlandish looking aliens made from the best make up of that time. While the interstellar graphics and costumes brought a smile to my face with the wackiness, it is refreshing to see the writers stretch their abilities by thinking of what a human and alien society would look like. Thankfully creator J Michael Straczynski added great villains like Mr Morden to shake up the story arc a good amount. As for the villains, season two brings in the war with the shadows, season three brings a point of no return, and the conflict lasts till season four. It will be interesting to see the conflicts between them.

Babylon 5 Review Wrap Up

If you’re looking for a funky future sci fi show to watch, the whole five seasons will fly by. The second season will come faster than you think as you are entertained by the great beings of this universe, the great costumes and interesting battles between intergalactic civilizations.

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