10 of the Best Android Apps For Music

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Music is an important part of life, and now that we all have smartphones, music is just a tap away. In fact, we have more access to free music than we ever have before, and it’s all thanks to our trusty Android devices. There are thousands upon thousands of music apps for Android, but many of them are frivolous or don’t have many features. But, there are numerous Android apps for music, and the best part is that most of them are free. If you’re looking for the best Android apps for music, we have you covered. Here are the top 10 best Android apps for music. But before we begin, you can also find other useful apps in our best software apps guide.

1. Spotify

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Spotify gives you unprecedented access to legal free music, allowing you to play any artist, album or playlist for free as long as you’re in shuffle mode. But a Spotify Premium subscription is definitely worth it, as it gets rid of that limitation, gets rid of ads, and allows you to download music for offline listening. Creating playlists and sharing playlists with your friends is as easy as ever, and so is picking on your bro for listening to Miley Cyrus’ latest. It is one of the most popular music apps for Android. And if you’re using an Android smartphone and you’re on Twitter, you may also love some of the best Twitter apps for Android that feature customized notifications, and much more.

Download Spotify Here.

2. Pandora

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Pandora has been around for quite some time, and it’s no secret why. It is a good tool for music discovery, and allows you to create personalized stations based on the music you like. It has well-known hits as well as obscure, harder-to-find music. With a free account, you can create up to 100 personalized radio stations. It also works with Chromecast so you can throw it to your TV for louder listening for your whole house.

Download Pandora Here.

3. TuneIn Radio

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If you’re into listening to actual radio stations and podcasts from around the U.S., check out TuneIn Radio. It has over 100,000 radio stations across news, talk, sports and music. It also supports Chromecast. TuneIn Radio has streams from ESPN Chicago, ESPN Los Angeles, ESPN Denver, and many more, so if you’re a sports nut like I am, it is the best app for you. There’s also great podcasts available, including the latest from IGN, PC Gamer, and many more. There’s also a great selection of Comedy radio stations to keep you laughing. For your weather reports, you can also check out some of the best free weather apps for Android.

Download Tunein Radio Here.

4. iHeartRadio

iHeartRadio Android

CNET calls it the best streaming radio app, and they’re probably right. There are millions of songs and thousands of live radio stations from all around the country, and it also lets you create custom stations so that you always hear only what you want to hear. Their library consists of 20 million songs and 800,000 artists across all genres, including pop, country, r&b, alternative, rock, talk, news, sports, comedy, and more. Surprise surprise, it also works with Chromecast. There are also podcasts available so you can listen to the latest on-demand episodes from the best in news, sports, business, and entertainment.  For some free entertainment that can fill your time when you’re bored, have a look at the best free Android games that include word teasers, shooters, puzzle games, and trivia games.

Downoad iHeartRadio Here.

5. Google Play Music

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Google Play Music is the most used app on my smartphone, and that’s because it allows me to play all of my huge collection of music — which wouldn’t otherwise all fit on my phone. If you already have a big collection of music like I do (over 60 GB and counting), and just want a simple way to listen to your own collection on the go, Google Play Music is a great way to go. You simply upload your collection to the service using the Music Manager app on your PC, set what folders you add your new music to, and the service will take care of the rest, allowing you to listen to your own collection. It also allows you to play millions of songs without any limits on Google Play with the All Access service, including brand new music and playlists their “music experts” have created. There are also free albums for download offered throughout the year on Google Play for you to add to your collection, and tons of music sales (so keep an eye out on your favorite artists). Google Play Music is easily the best music app for Android available. Would you like to have a tool that manages all your passwords for you? Find a good solution in our best password management tools for Mac.

Download Google Play Music Here.

6. Poweramp

music apps for android

Poweramp’s biggest selling feature is the amount of customization it has for music junkies. There are an impressive number of skins available on Google Play, albeit not as many as there were Winamp skins (R.I.P.). Poweramp also has a powerful equalizer and plays a wide range of file types, including mp3, mp4, m4a, flacs, wavs, wmas, and more. It has a crossfade, as well as gapless playback. It supports an OpenGL based cover art animation, and downloads missing album art automatically for you (so you’re virtually never stuck looking at a default picture). It also has a tag editor within the app. It also has a configurable lock screen and 4 widget types.

Download Poweramp Here.

7. Spinrilla

spinrilla android

If you’re a hip hop head, check out Spinrilla. Spinrilla provides the latest hip hop mixtapes, and has a huge back catalog of some of the genre’s most memorable mixtapes, including Lil Wayne’s Dedication and Da Drought tapes. It also has the latest Ransom mixtape. This app has the newest hip-hop mixtapes released for free, and the collection grows every week. The menu is easy to use, navigation is quick, and playback works wonderfully. As far as free music apps are concerned, Spinrilla does exactly what it says it does, making it a necessary app.

Download Spinrilla here.

8. AccuRadio

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AccuRadio offers over 900 customizable radio channels with unlimited skips and absolutely no commercials. It’s less repetitive than Pandora, and offers over 50 different genres of music. Every one of their 900+ channels are handcrafted, and not put together by some “machine with a brain.” It offers almost ten times as many channels as satellite radio, and it’s 100% free. There’s even a Korean Pop station!

Download AccuRadio here.

9. Beats Music

best android music apps

You may be annoyed with the amount of Beats headphones you’re seeing around, especially after this holiday season, but don’t let that stop you from trying out the Beats Music app. The biggest selling point for Beats Music is “The Sentence,” which let’s you make your own mix by letting it know how you’re feeling, what you’re doing and who you’re with. There’s also a highlights section that lets you discover what’s new in the world of music, as well as a Just For You section that has a great mix of handpicked albums.

Download Beats Music Here.

10. Shazam

Shazam Android

Ever hear a song playing in a cafe or on the radio and want to know what it is so that you can check it out later? Check out Shazam. It’s the best way to identify music, and only requires seconds of listening to any song before it will tell you the name and artist. Once you Shazam a song, you’re able to preview it and buy it on Amazon or Google Play, share your discovery on any social network, or listen to the full track through Spotify.  It also gives you more information about a TV you’re watching, such as the cast for whatever episode you’re watching and soundtrack information, although I never use it for TV, myself. If you’re looking to figure out what song you’re neighbor is listening to so loudly, this is one of the best free music apps that will do the trick.

Download Shazam Here.


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