The latest hoverboards come in different colors and designs to choose from. As such, board aficionados may be wondering what are the most popular colors and designs. That’s where we come in.
What are the Most Popular Hoverboard Colors?
Hoverboards have become a must-have toy for kids in recent years, so they are available in a number of bright and bold color options. In other words, there is no one color that dominates the rest. Hoverboards arrive in a number of popular colors, including blue, gray, white, and black. It must be noted that boards that were manufactured primarily for children typically feature brighter colors and more design flair than those intended for adult riders.
Insider Tip
It must be noted that boards that were manufactured primarily for children typically feature brighter colors and more design flair than those intended for adult riders.
Hoverboard Designs
In addition to being available in multiple colors, the most popular hoverboards can also be purchased with a number of unique eye-catching designs. These boldly designed boards are typically intended for kids, so take that into consideration before making a purchase. The best part is that you can easily transform your hoverboard into a hoverkart so your kid can have a greater experience.
Design it Yourself
If you are having trouble finding a hoverboard color or design that matches your personal tastes, you can always design one yourself. There are many ways to personalize and customize your hoverboard.
Full-body Decals
There are a number of full-body decals or hoverboard stickers available. These decals can easily be affixed to nearly any hoverboard, and do not require many tools to do so. We’d advise shopping around to find the perfect decal, especially if you are looking for a hoverboard for kids. These decals are available in hundreds of colors and designs and are available on Amazon and other online retailers.
Duct Tape Designs
If you don’t want to spring for a full-body hoverboard decal, you can always patch something together using traditional stickers and duct tape. Duct tape can be purchased in numerous colors and designs, making for an easy and affordable way to snazz up your board. Be sure to have an X-acto knife on hand for accurate cuts and remember to cut around crucial components, such as the charging port and LED lights.
Spray-paint Your Hoverboard
There is one sure-fire way to ensure your hoverboard is the exact color you require, to paint your hoverboard yourself. We recommend spray-painting when it comes to hoverboards, as spray paint significantly speeds up the process. Be sure to cover all crucial components, such as the battery port, before painting. This is because the paint may affect the transmission of power from the batteries, or even block the indicator lights. And if you want to apply multiple layers, be sure to allow each individual layer to fully dry before attempting another.
Insider Tip
Be sure to have an X-acto knife on hand for accurate cuts and remember to cut around crucial components, such as the charging port and LED lights.
What age is appropriate for hoverboard riding?
Some boards are primarily intended for children, thus the bright and bold color options. Most manufacturers recommend a minimum age for hoverboard riders of anywhere from five to seven years of age.
Are hoverboards safe for kids?
Hoverboards are safe for kids, providing they follow the rules of the road and wear hoverboard safety gear, such as protective helmets, kneepads, and elbow pads. The maximum speed of kid-friendly hoverboards is not so high, 6-8 miles per hour, and the LED lights help increase safety. In other words, hoverboards are a great option for kids.
Do hoverboards have any additional features?
Hoverboards can come with a built-in Bluetooth speaker and hoverboard batteries that can last up to an hour on a single charge. They also typically include powerful motors and durable wheels.