10 of the Best iPhone 6 Jailbreak Apps for Massive Improvements

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Updated 11:34 pm
10 of the Best iPhone 6 Jailbreak Apps for Massive Improvements

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Now that you have an iPhone 6, you can find the best jailbreak apps for customizing iOS exactly the way you want. Speaking of your iPhone 6, you might also find our review of the hacked: iPhone Netflix application useful. So before you head over to Cydia, check out these latest updates for the greatest apps around – oh, and feel free to use our handy links, too. If you typically use your iPhone for emails, take a look at how FoxType offers politeness extension for proofing work emails. Or, if you want the most updated crime statistics, check out our review of the 5-0 radio police scanner app, sounds too good to be real, let’s you monitor police communication. If you want to check out apps that can improve your productivity, go to our best software apps guide.

Read: How To Jailbreak iPhone 5c

1. ReachApp

ReachApp has a simple premise: It allows you to create a splitscreen on your iPhone, a feature than many other platforms have but that iOS has never really embraced. ReachApp solves the problem by letting users select specific apps and bring two of them up at the same time on your iPhone 6 screen. It also provides scaling rotation support for going into landscape mode while still keeping your split screen apps in proper ratios. The potential behind this app is obvious, but it is a surprisingly new option, with the beta becoming available only in early 2015. For all you iPhone users that love your privacy, take a glimpse at these 5 iPhone apps that keep your text messages private from govt officials snooping parents and spouses.

You can learn how to download Reachapp here


2. Activator

Activator remains the top jailbreak app for customization with its widespread shortcut management. It allows you to program gestures and events so that your iPhone will behave exactly how you want it to. Program actions for when your battery gets low, turn double-clicking on the home button with your own commands, make the volume buttons into skip track buttons, start emails with a flick…and just so much more. It’s the easist way to personalize your iPhone. Also on personalization, take a look at our review of these 15 eye enticing parallax wallpapers for the iPhone 5s.

You can download Activator here


3. Auxo 3

Auxo is an iPhone jailbreak app that allows you to add even more multitasking features to your iPhone. This version offers three specific abilities. First, you can use the multi-center to access both apps and general phone controls from the same spot, saving a lot of management time. Second, you can use quick switcher to bounce between apps with a quick up-swipe motion that can help cut phone time even more. Third, hot corners can help you program your screen corners to immediately take you to locations like the home screen. And if you like to have weather reports on your iPad, read our review on 6 free weather apps for iPad.

You can download Auxo 3 here


4. UntetheredHeySiri

The latest iPhones allow you to say “Hey Siri” and access Siri voice command services hands free…but only when your phone is plugged into a power source. This didn’t make any sense to anyone, so the UntetheredHeySiri feature was a welcome addition to the BigBoss collection of jailbroken capabilities. This app simple allows you to use the “Hey Siri” command at any time, no matter if your phone is plugged in or not. It’s an easy fix that pinpoints the advantages of using Cydia apps. This will make your best iPhone even more convenient to use day to day.

You can download the UntetheredHeySiri feature here


5. BioLockdown

TouchID capabilities add some new security features to the iPhone, but there’s a lot more the TouchID sensor can do, with a little work. BioLockdown is one of the best examples, with its addition of widespread security locks using the biometric fingerprint scanner. With this app you can lock specific apps, settings, and major controls, limiting interference on multiple levels. The apps also comes with a master on/off switch so you can turn off these security additions whenever you want, then turn them back on when you are in a more vulnerable environment. Other security apps that are free can be found on our review on 10 of the best free Mac apps.

You can download BioLockdown here


6. Barrel

So far most of these jailbreak apps for iPhone are designed for greater utility, so let’s look at one of the cool jailbreak apps: Barrel remains a great animation animation app for iPhone 6, allowing you to quickly add transition and animation effects across your home screen and icons. Cubes, slides, curls…just think of it as applying what PowerPoint effects you want to all your iPhone actions. It’s a lot of fun.

You can download Barrel here


7. FolderEnhancer

The original version of FolderEnhancer allowed you to create detailed folders and subfolders in iOS for managing your docs and apps in a more natural way. The latest iOS 8 version of the software allows for more bug-free nested folders, bigger folders with customization for setting the number of rows and columns, and various other additions to make using the app a smoother experience. If you juggle a lot of apps or appreciate folder organization, this app is for you.

You can download FolderEnhancer here


8. Flex 2

And there was great rejoicing when Flex 2 was updated for iOS 8 compatibility. This is a jailbreak app for your other apps, allowing you to change the way that apps respond and tailor them to your own preferences. You can adjust all different kinds of features, expanding specific limits that you don’t like or changing the size of the app window. Flex has a community of developers working to continually add more ways to tweak your apps, too, so it’s worth doing a little research when you start using it. But you won’t need any research to make a decision when purchasing iPad apps because we have reviewed 10 of the best iPad apps available today, just for you.

You can download Flex 2 here


9. Springtomize 3

Springtomize is like a far, far more advanced version of Barrel for those who really want to tweak their animations, and Sprintomize 3 is designed specifically to work with the latest iPhones. Change the way your lock screen, icons, folders, control center commands, and apps behave when you open or close them to make your phone as interesting and unique as you want it to be. You can also stick with simply altering the traditional animations iOS uses. If you travel a lot and you are looking for apps that can simplify your communication with family, take a look at our suggestions in the best messenger apps guide.

You can download Springtomize 3 here


10. NoteCreator

If you love to make quick notes on your iPhone, then consider downloading NoteCreator. Sure, iOS comes with a Notes app, but NoteCreator expands the function and adds note creation to a gesture of your choice. This allows you to immediately bring up Notes, no matter what you are doing on your phone, and jot something down within moments. Just don’t make the gesture too common, or you may accidentally bring up Notes all the time.

You can download NoteCreator here

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