Domyos Interactive Punching Bag (video)

Christen da Costa Avatar
Updated 10:54 pm


A giant swing pendulum, as in a 100lb boxing bag, is totally impractical when it comes to most people’s home, unless of course you live on 7 acres of land and have 10 bedrooms in addition to a workout gym. If you’re interested in the latest in sports, check out this how Nike has invented a laser system to create instant soccer courts in any city (video) too.

The Domyos Decalthon Interactive punching bag mounts directly on the wall (it’s also free standing) and uses a patented LED light system that is probably equitable to that of the bop the weasel game at Chuckee Cheese.  If the cultural American reference is beyond your up bringing, the LEDs light up on the face of the bag indicating where you should punch next.  Using our skills of deduction we believe that a punch will shut the LED off and your score is tallied some where on the system. The system has a total of 10 workout modes and we can only hope one has something to do with that harassing boss. If you want another addition to your home workout, read our Neofit and Brazyn morph too. For golf lovers, read our review on DV8 portable golf clubs with interchangeable club heads.

Video after the ‘leap’


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