Get Out Of The Woods With FireKnife Survival Knife

Christen da Costa Avatar
Updated 10:58 pm

firesteel knife

If you’re a nerd like me, you like to be prepared. I have three multitools on my keychain that do everything from pull nails to pop bottles, and I’m always looking for the next addition to my set of tools. For an even smaller option, check out our review of the action hero toolkit. Fortunately for me, you can’t hang a FireKnife off a keychain, but it is a useful preparedness tool. Just like the best survival knives are.

Two Tools In One

The FireKnife is essentially two useful camping tools in one. If you’re really trying to go on a hunt, you’ll really want to read our BowTech CPX invasion review. It will be the perfect survival addition to your best earthquake kit. The first tool should be pretty obvious from the name; it’s a nice half-tang blade from Mora of Sweden with a smooth cutting edge. It’s a fairly simple straight-blade knife perfect for all the little annoying tasks of camping; making kindling, cutting rope, stabbing bears, and so on. In the handle, however, is an equally useful device.


Namely, a Swedish FireSteel. The Swedish FireSteel is actually an innovation from the Swedish Department of Defense that’s common issue among militaries, outdoor rescue squads, and other people who have to start a fire very quickly. You just scrape along it with the included scraping tool and you get bright, hot (as in 3000 degrees) sparks that can easily ignite pretty much anything. It’ll work in the freezing cold, in the soaking wet, and just about everywhere else. So you can see why this particular knife might come in handy if you’re tromping through the woods.


Survive In Style

Some would argue you should just bring a lighter, but even a reliable Zippo will have trouble in situations where a FireSteel will just ignite a pile of dry kindling. So, really, if you go camping, even if you’re not technically roughing it at the campsite down the road from your house, you should probably bring this knife along. If nothing else, it’ll make starting a fire to roast those hot dogs a whole heck of a lot easier.

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