Have you seen the movie “Dune?” The protagonist, played by a young Kyle MacLachlan, must place his hand in a box that contains the heat of a thousand volcanoes. Which is anything like this Hand Reflexology Massager from Hammacher Schlemmer.
The at home massage therapy box costs $120 and uses a mechanical air pressure system to knead the hand. Supposedly, it takes aim and compresses trigger points on the palm, making it effective at reliving stress and pain after spending countless hours at a keyboard and mouse.
Once you insert your hand the soft polyester interior can massage your hand at intervals of 5, 10 or 15 minutes with one to four pressures levels. And much like the box in “Dune” it can zap your hand with a bit of infrared heat to promote better circulation, though it won’t cook it to a crisp. It runs on four AA batteries, so you could very well take it any where you go.
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