Hoverboards are a fantastic way for kids to unwind after school and for adults to unwind after work. Self-balancing scooters have become so popular, in fact, that some warehouses and industrial work locations have begun using them to allow employees to transport from site to site with ease. Hoverboards are intended to be used by both children and adults and can be ridden on streets or off-road, though they do typically carry a maximum weight capacity limit.
What is the Weight Limit for Hoverboards?
This will depend entirely on the make and model of your hoverboard and whether it was primarily intended to be used by children, adults, or both. The maximum weight limit of a hoverboard can range from 120 pounds all the way up to 300 pounds or more. There are a whole lot of factors to consider when trying to suss out the maximum weight of a particular hoverboard scooter.
Intended Use
There are a wide variety of hoverboards out there, each intended for a different use. Hoverboards intended for children generally feature a lower-than-average maximum weight capacity, somewhere around 150 to 180 pounds. Higher-quality hoverboards intended for adult riders can often maintain weights up to 265 pounds, and even slightly higher in some instances. The average maximum weight for hoverboards clocks in at around 220 pounds. During our research, we found only a couple of models that allowed for riders up to 300 pounds.
Wheel Size
The size of the wheels can impact the maximum weight limit significantly. Hoverboards with a wheel size of 4.5-inches can usually support up to 120 pounds, making them great for younger kids. Hoverboards with a wheel size of 6.5-inches can typically handle up to 220 pounds, so they are great for teenagers and average-sized adults. Hoverboards with a wheel size of 8.5-inches, however, can often handle weights up to 300 pounds or more, making them ideal for just about everyone. There are also hoverboards with 10-inch wheels, but those are usually found in professional settings.
Price Matters
If you are looking for a budget-friendly hoverboard, make sure to do some research as to the maximum weight capacity. Cheaper hoverboards are often made with cheaper components and, as such, usually support lower maximum weights than heavy-duty hoverboards.
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Minimum Weight Limits
Hoverboards also generally suggest a minimum weight limit, in addition to the aforementioned maximum weight limit. This is to ensure that young children, including toddlers, do not ride the hoverboard and get in an accident. Typically, hoverboards have a minimum weight limit of around 44 pounds. This will ensure children under five will not be able to ride the hoverboard, as their minuscule frames will not even be able to engage the self-balancing mechanism. Otherwise, hoverboards are a fantastic option for children.
What are the purposes of the weight limit?
There are a number of reasons why manufacturers set weight limits on the best hoverboards and self-balancing scooters.
Early Malfunctions
While exceeding the weight limit of your hoverboard will not cause instant destruction, it could severely impact the overall longevity of the unit. Regularly exceeding the manufacturer’s maximum weight capacity by 15 pounds or more could result in a number of malfunctions after a few months of use.
Wear and Tear
Many of the internal and external components of the hoverboard can become damaged when the weight limit is regularly exceeded. This can include the ABS plastic or polycarbonate casing, wheels, brackets, wheel axles, and even screws. The axle can even become loose over time, which can lead to wheel loss.
Safety Hazards
It should come as no surprise that regularly exceeding a hoverboard’s suggested weight limit is a safety hazard. These scooters work via self-balancing mechanisms, so the controls can become out of whack when the weight limit is exceeded. Additionally, the hoverboard can actually break down while you are on it, which could cause a serious injury.
Read the Fine Print
Before purchasing a hoverboard, make sure to read all of the documentation on the manufacturer’s website or the Amazon page, to ensure that you are under the maximum weight limit and over the minimum weight limit. This will save you a lot of trouble.
Wheel Size
The wheel size of a hoverboard can severely impact the overall weight limit of a hoverboard. Generally speaking, smaller wheel sizes can support lower weights while larger wheel sizes can support higher weights.
Slightly Over the Limit
If you are just slightly over the limit, two to three pounds, the hoverboard should still operate within relatively normal parameters. Battery life and the top speed could be slightly impacted, though you should be in no danger of anything breaking.
Study the Specifications
In addition to wheel size and weight capacity, give the rest of the specifications a look over. This will let you know just how fast the hoverboard can go and how long it takes to reach that maximum speed. These metrics can impact parents who are trying to decide if a hoverboard is a right purchase for their kid.
Sharing Hoverboards
Due to the wide array of weight limits available with different makes and models of hoverboards, we would exercise caution when loaning out or sharing your hoverboard. This is a significant concern when an adult is sharing with a child and vice versa. Of course, it’s more fun to ride with other people anyways.
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Don’t Forget Your Stuff
When factoring in your weight, don’t forget to include the stuff on your actual person. This includes backpacks, clothing, laptops, and related items. Hoverboards were not built for transporting heavy items and appliances.
One of the main reasons to adhere to a manufacturer’s suggested weight limit is for safety. Regularly exceeding the maximum weight of a hoverboard can lead to damage to the internal components, which could cause an accident down the line.
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Battery Life
Exceeding the weight limit even by just a pound or two can impact your hoverboard’s overall battery life and longevity of the hoverboard’s integrated lithium-ion battery pack. So you may find your battery running out in less time than usual, so take that into consideration if you are planning some longer-than-average rides.
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