How Fast Does a 500w Electric Scooter Go

Updated: Jun 27, 2022 11:11 PM
How Fast Does a 500w Electric Scooter Go

If you are shopping around for a top-tier electric scooter and have a need for speed, you may be wondering just how fast does a 500w scooter go. We are here to help.


  • Scooters with 500-watt motors are fairly powerful and should travel up to 16 to 20 mph.
  • If you want to maximize the speed of your scooter, choose a model with a durable and well-made motor.
  • You can also make sure the battery is properly charged and that you have not exceeded the scooter’s maximum weight allowance.

What Does Watts Mean With Scooters?

Every electric scooter on the market includes a watt rating of some kind. This refers to the amount of energy the scooter’s motor can handle at one time. This watt rating is different from a peak watt rating, which illustrates how much energy the scooter’s motor can handle for a short period of time.

Insider Tip

Every electric scooter on the market includes a watt rating of some kind. This refers to the amount of energy the scooter’s motor can handle at one time.

How Fast is a 500w Scooter?

Scooter speeds will vary, even when it comes to motors that boast the same number of watts. 500 watts tend to be on the powerful side As such, a 500-watt electric scooter has a top speed of 16 mph to 20 mph with an average speed of 18 mph. This metric may vary slightly depending on several factors. Consumers that require more speed may also be wondering how fast a 1000w scooter goes.

How to Maximize Your Scooter’s Speed

There are a number of factors that contribute to a scooter’s top speed beyond how many watts the motor can pump out. Here are just a few.

Motor Design

Insider Tip

A 500-watt electric scooter has a top speed of 16 mph to 20 mph with an average speed of 18 mph.

Watts are not the only metric of a scooter motor that works to designate speed. The motor design itself can determine how fast electric scooters go. If you are looking to really max out your speed, choose a scooter with a motor made from durable components that have been purpose-built for moving quickly. As a note, motors designed for speed may tax the scooter’s battery, so be prepared for a shorter-than-average maximum range.

Rider Weight

The rider’s weight will impact a motor’s speed, as the scooter will have to use power to haul the person around. Pay attention to the scooter’s recommended maximum weight allowance and try your best to adhere to it. This will ensure you are getting the best speeds out of your scooter. Additionally, when figuring out your weight be sure to include anything you are carrying with you. This can include clothing, backpacks, groceries, and anything else you typically haul while out on your scooter.

Make Sure the Battery is Charged

You will want to make sure the scooter’s lithium battery is close to a maximum charge. Some scooters will automatically weaken to preserve energy by slowing down the motor when a battery is close to being depleted.


Motors designed for speed may tax the scooter’s battery, so be prepared for a shorter-than-average maximum range.


How powerful are 500w electric scooters?

Pretty powerful. Not only can they typically travel anywhere from 16 to 30 mph, with some models exceeding this metric, they are also great for climbing hills.

Do electric scooters recharge when applying brakes or going downhill – like a hybrid car’s regenerative braking?

This is a technology that is slowly being adopted with some high-grade electric scooters and e-bikes, but the tech doesn’t work too well yet. Regenerative braking tends to increase the battery life by just five to ten percent.

Are 500w scooters legal?

In most states, countries, and cities, 500-watt scooters are considered medium-grade scooters and are fully legal. You should still check with a local governmental agency.

STAT: Most e-bike batteries sold in North America are lithium-ion, which will provide a minimum of 500 full charge cycles at which point the battery will hold about 80% of its original capacity. (source)

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