How To Buy A Hoverboard

Updated: Jun 27, 2022 11:13 PM
How To Buy A Hoverboard

There are several important things to know when buying a hoverboard. In order to find the right model for you, make sure you consider the type of board you want and consider other features like speed, range, and charge time.

Beginners Guide To Hoverboards

Before you buy a great hoverboard, it’s important to know what defines a hoverboard.

1. Types of Hoverboard

There are two main categories of self-balancing boards: two-wheel boards and single-wheel boards. Two-wheel hoverboards are the most common and generally easier to ride, making them a great option for beginners who want to learn how to ride a hoverboard. The primary difference among two-wheel models is the size of the wheels.

Broad Wheel

Broad-wheel hoverboards are two-wheel models with wheels that are 10″ or larger. This type of board is the best all-terrain hoverboard because of its increased ground clearance and the great traction provided by larger wheels. It’s also the easiest to balance on, which is great for beginners or commuters.

Medium Wheel

Medium-wheel boards have two 8″ wheels and are effective for most activities of the average consumer. It has the benefit of being lighter and easier to carry as compared to big-wheel models, but provides more secure balance and a smoother ride than smaller models.

Small Wheel

Small-wheel hoverboards are a great option for kids as they are very lightweight and easy to carry. It features two wheels that measure around 6″ that perform best on level grounds. Most of these types of hoverboard are too light and small for adults to use.

Single Wheel

One-wheel scooters are constructed and operated differently than models with dual wheels. The wheel is located in the center of the board and riders stand sideways on the board, as if they’re riding a skateboard or snowboard. Riding a single-wheel board requires better balance but offers a fun riding experience.

2. UL Certification

In order to find a quality hoverboard, make sure that the models you’re looking at are UL Certified. All hoverboards sold in the U.S. are required to receive UL 2272 certification. This certification simply means that the board and its components meet safety standards.

3. Rider Specs

Hoverboards have different rider spec ratings depending on the type of board and the brand. Different hoverboard brands use different watt motors that affect the recommended weight of a rider. All hoverboards have a minimum and maximum weight rating. It is important to follow both of these guidelines for safety.

4. Safety

When shopping for a hoverboard, make sure that you’re buying from a reputable source. It’s best to purchase scooters from trusted brands with developed customer service and offer user operating instructions. Most importantly, make sure the model is UL 2272. Do not purchase a hoverboard that is not UL 2272 compliant. It’s the number one thing you should looking at when asking, “Is my hoverboard safe?”

5. Geography

Hoverboards are best for use on a flat surface and other smooth surfaces. However, there are differences between hoverboard models when it comes to handling different terrains, so it’s important for you to understand how hoverboards work. Self-balanced scooters with larger wheels are more capable of handling rougher terrain. If you’re looking for a hoverboard for commutes, you want to make sure the wheels are in the 7 to 8-inch range so it can handle travelling on uneven concrete.

6. Speed

The maximum speed on most consumer hoverboards is 15 mph on plain surfaces. Generally, self-balancing scooters offer a range between 5 to 15 mph. A device’s speed limits depends on its motor, as electric scooters with more powerful motors achieve a higher max speed.

7. Range

Depending on how you plan to use a hoverboard, it is important to look at its range. Hoverboard brands will specify the range of a board in either time of use or distance. For time of use, hoverboards can generally run for around an hour on a full charge, giving you a nice workout – one of the many perks of hoverboards. When looking at the distance a hoverboard can travel on a charge, this is generally between 5 to 8 miles. Of course, hour range and distance vary depending on factors like terrain, temperature, and other factors.

8. Charging Time

Electric hoverboards are powered off of a rechargeable battery. Hoverboard batteries are housed inside of the hoverboard and do not need to be removed to charge. The first time you charge the battery can take up to an hour longer than usual. After that, it can take anywhere from 2 to 3 hours to fully charge your hoverboard. However, it is important to know whether it is possible to change the charging port of your preferred brand before you make a purchase.

9. Price

There is a wide price range between cheaper hoverboards and expensive hoverboards. Generally, the standard price for a decent entry-level hoverboard is around one-hundred dollars. Mid-level boards cost around a few hundred dollars, and advanced hoverboards can reach prices above seven-hundred dollars.

10. Additional Features

Some self-balancing scooters offer extra, fun features. These include Bluetooth connectivity, colored lights, a remote control, and even speakers to play music. Some even have built-in GPS. Most of these extra features are designed to make your riding experience more fun, but are not essential. For instance, a black hoverboard doesn’t cost much, but it makes a perfect gift for your son.


How do hoverboards work?

Hoverboards use a gyroscope to keep itself level, maintain balance, and tell the motor to send power to the wheels. The internal motor drives the wheels of the hoverboard forward, backward, or one-wheel at a time to execute turns.

Are hoverboards little-kid friendly?

Most hoverboards are rated for safe use for ages 8-years-old and up. Make sure to check the age rating for the specific board you’re looking at. Kids must wear proper safety gear when riding.

Which hoverboards are safe to buy?

While there was a period of time when hoverboards had safety concerns, there are now manufacturing safety standards in place to give consumers peace of mind. Make sure that the board is UL Certified and comes from a trustworthy brand and seller.

Where can I actually ride a hoverboard?

Hoverboards can operate on a variety of terrain, like concrete, grass, and dirt. While hoverboards make great transportation devices, certain cities may have regulations on where you can ride your hoverboard, so make sure to check.

How hard is it to ride a hoverboard?

Riding a hoverboard is similar to the experience of riding a bike. Once you find your balance, riding a hoverboard comes naturally. Practice in a safe area and give yourself time to adjust to the feeling of riding and controlling the board.

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