If you have recently purchased the best air purifier, you may be wondering how to change your air purifier filter. Keeping the filters maintained, after all, will ensure that the air purifier operates at maximum efficiency. Keep reading to find out.
- Be sure to read the instructions that accompanied your air purifier for any specific details regarding filter replacement.
- HEPA filters need to be replaced every six months to one year, though this varies according to usage.
- When removing the old filter, be sure to wear a mask and a pair of gloves to protect against harmful particles.
What is an Air Purifier Filter?
Air purifier filters are devices typically placed inside of an air purifier that feature layers of strata that work to filter impurities from the air. Think of them like a net that captures airborne pollutants. If you need a new air filter, you should know that modern air filters tend to fall into three main categories when it comes to air purifiers. There are HEPA filters, electrostatic filters, and activated carbon filters. This will help know exactly what you need before making a purchase.
Insider Tip
Modern air filters tend to fall into three main categories when it comes to air purifiers. There are HEPA filters, electrostatic filters, and activated carbon filters.
How Does an Air Purifier Filter Work?
Before you understand how to change your air purifier, it can be helpful to know why you should change your air filter. Air purifiers feature several fans that work to draw air in from their immediate surroundings. Once this air is drawn in, the air is forced through the filter, where the filter holds on to any lingering particles. The purified air is then pushed back into your living area.
Why Change an Air Purifier Filter?
As the air filter purifies the air from impurities, it becomes clogged with all manner of nasty particles. Once it has been completely clogged, it will no longer be able to purify the air. In other words, you will be running your air purifier for no reason, as it will be pulling in air and pushing it right back out. The air could pick up impurities from the filter before heading back into the atmosphere.
How to Change an Air Purifier Filter
The process for swapping out an air filter will change depending on the type of filter you are using and the kind of air purifier you are using. Still, here are some universal tips and guidelines to consider. Keep in mind, that to ensure that it is effective, the air filter should be cleaned every month. And, if you’d prefer to hide your air purifier, especially if it’s gaudy, we have some recommendations that can help.
Check the Instructions
Each air purifier will have different instructions when it comes to changing out the air purifier filter. We strongly recommend that you take a look at these instructions before attempting the process. If you no longer have the paper instructions, any major manufacturer will uphold a web portal with PDF documents of any set of instructions.
Insider Tip
Air purifiers feature several fans that work to draw air in from their immediate surroundings. Once this air is drawn in, the air is forced through the filter, where the filter holds on to any lingering particles.
Check Your Filter
Air purifier filter replacements can be pricy, so you will want to make sure it is actually clogged before purchasing and installing a replacement. Has a change filter indicator light been glowing during use? If so, it is time to change that filter. Otherwise, you can open up the air purifier and take a look at the filter with your own eyes. Is it completely crusty and nasty? Then it is time to replace. If it still looks relatively clean, you may have some time yet.
Check Your Filter Type
Some air filters do not even have to be replaced, as they are considered permanent or reusable filters. These filters can be washed, dried, and then reinserted into the device. Electrostatic filters and activated carbon filters can usually be cleaned instead of replaced. Even some HEPA-style filters can be cleaned and reused. Read up on the instructions about whether or not you even have to replace the filter at all.
Wear Safety Gear
HEPA filters can hold on to plenty of nasty particles, so you will want to wear safety gear as you remove them from the air purifier. We recommend popping on a good mask and a high-grade pair of gloves. This will protect you from accidentally inhaling any potentially harmful fumes.
Dispose Properly
Once the HEPA filter has been removed, be sure to dispose of it properly. Disposal recommendations will vary depending on where you live, so feel free to check with any local governmental agencies.
As the air filter purifies the air from impurities, it becomes clogged with all manner of nasty particles.
I just received my replacement filters and they look different than before. Is this correct?
Companies will change up the design of their replacement filters at regular intervals. Additionally, there are many third-party filters that will work with your device but may look different.
How do I order more replacement filters?
You can order replacement filters straight from the air purifier manufacturer or on Amazon and related online shopping sites.
How often should you be changing air purifier filters?
HEPA filters should be changed out every six months to one year, but this may vary depending on how you use your air purifier. In other words, keep an eye on the “change filter” indicator light.
STAT: By definition, HEPA filters are at least 99.97% efficient at filtering particles of a size 0.3 microns in diameter and larger.