If you are experimenting with your wireless network and looking for ways to increase efficiency, you may wonder how to limit data usage on a router. The best and brightest routers, after all, always include robust settings pages that allow for all kinds of adjustments. Can you limit data usage and how is it done? Keep reading to find out.
- Limiting data usage or setting a bandwidth limit on a router is a good way to curtail data thieves and hackers, not to mention keeping your Internet access as speedy as possible.
- There are a number of ways to institute a usage limit or limit bandwidth, but all of these are accessed via your router’s admin panel or firmware.
- Experiment with various methods and be sure to check your work afterward by attempting to outplay the restrictions via Internet access.
Why Limit Data Usage on a Router?
The biggest reason to limit data usage is to increase security. In other words, if hackers are on your network looking to download large amounts of data, they will be capped out after a while. Another reason is to simply increase efficiency and increase your overall Internet speed. Limiting data usage can also have a positive impact on range, but not as much as learning how a Wi-Fi range extender works.
Insider Tip
You can also simply change the network name and password to limit data usage.
How to Limit Data Usage on a Router
There is a relatively simple way to go about this, so it is not as complicated as, say, learning what is NAT on routers.
STEP 1 Access Admin Controls
- The first thing you need to do is access your router’s admin control panel.
- This is done via mobile app, computer-based browser, or standalone router firmware.
- Check the instructions to ensure you know how to access these controls.
STEP 2Find the Right Settings
- Now it becomes a matter of choice and what methods of limiting access are available via your router.
- With some routers, the best way to do this is to simply throttle the bandwidth.
- You can also access parental controls to limit data usage.
- Another option is to enable a guest network, of which you will have full control over any and all parameters.
STEP 3 Test the Changes
No matter your preferred method to restrict data usage, you should give it a thorough check after you have instituted any changes.
Use one of your connected devices, or any mobile device really, and attempt to outplay the data restrictions.
If a large download gets denied, for instance, you know you have done your job well.
You should also perform similar checks on desktop computers and laptops.
How to limit bandwidth on a D-Link router?
Each make and model has its own specific method to limit bandwidth, no matter if they are TP-Link routers, business routers, or items made by any of the other major router manufacturers.
How to set up and use your Wi-Fi router’s parental controls?
This depends on your router itself and any affiliated firmware. In most cases, access your router address admin panel and check on Internet usage settings.
Why do you need to limit bandwidth usage per user/device?
It is a good idea to limit bandwidth and Internet usage if you have some network users overstaying their welcome. This will keep them away for a period of time, as it is a form of traffic control.
STAT: Quality of Service (QoS) ensures bandwidth for prioritized tasks and applications. (source)
- https://consumer.huawei.com/za/support/content/en-us00429229/
- https://www.tp-link.com/ae/support/faq/1648/
- https://www.xfinity.com/learn/internet-service/datar
- https://community.verizon.com/t5/My-Verizon/Limit-data-usage-router-does-not-offer-this-need-a-work-around/td-p/979048
- https://www.asus.com/support/FAQ/1013333/