How to Make an Air Purifier With Water

Updated: Jul 7, 2022 3:01 PM
How to Make an Air Purifier With Water

If you are looking for a fun afternoon project, you can make the best air purifier yourself. How to make an air purifier with water? Keep reading to find out.


  • Water is a highly effective filtration agent, as anyone who has experienced a rainstorm can attest to.
  • You can make a water-based air purifier with some simple materials, such as a PC fan, a silicone tube segment, a bowl, and a power source.
  • Glue the silicone tube segment to the bottom of the fan and place the fan over the bowl. Fill the bowl halfway with water and use the power source to turn it on.

How Do Water-Based Air Purifiers Work?

Before you go through the trouble of making an air purifier with water, it can be helpful to understand how one works. Water is an extremely sticky substance, making it a natural choice to act as a primary filtration system. Have you ever noticed that the air just seems somehow fresher after a rainstorm? That’s because it has been purified with moving water. The methods may vary depending on the design, but water-based air purifiers work by pulling air into a body of moving water, pushing it through the water, and then back into its immediate surroundings.

Insider Tip

Water is an extremely sticky substance, making it a natural choice to act as a primary filtration system.

How to Make an Air Purifier With Water

There are many relatively inexpensive commercially available products, but here is a simple way to make your own water-based air revitalizer or purifier.

What You Will Need: PC fan, small bowl, power supply of some kind, part of a silicone tube, epoxy.


Start by getting the PC fan ready by removing it from its packaging and retrieving a segment from a silicone tube. Use epoxy or another form of durable glue to attach the silicone tube segment to the underside of the PC fan. The silicone tube segment should be open on both sides, for the purpose of airflow. It is also important you understand how to make a DIY air purifier using a powerful box fan to increase its filtration capabilities.


Next, fill up a bowl around halfway with clean water. The size of the bowl will depend on the size of the PC fan you are using. Make sure the bowl is small enough that the fan can rest atop it without sinking. Otherwise, you will have to affix the fan to the bowl somehow. In any event, place the fan over the bowl with the silicone tube side facing down towards the water.

Insider Tip

Water-based air purifiers work by pulling air into a body of moving water, pushing it through the water, and then back into its immediate surroundings.


Attach the power source to the fan and plug it in to make sure that the fan will spin and pull air towards the bowl (and the water.) Once it is working, place the fan over the bowl, turn it on, and voila. You have a working water-based air purifier.

In addition, you can make a DIY air purifier using a HEPA filter that will help filter out allergens and impurities.


How do air purifiers and humidifiers impact your health?

Air purifiers and humidifiers are both good for your health, as they help keep the air clean and breathable. When it comes to humidifiers, try to regulate them so they keep the humidity level in your home at 40 to 60 percent.

What are the cons of using a water-based air purifier?

Water-based air purifiers can be highly effective in most cases, but not when it comes to mold and mildew. These lifeforms thrive in water.

Can I add scents to my water-based air revitalizer?

Yes, there are some scents you can add to your air revitalizer, such as lavender.

STAT: According to several studies (Lapidus et al., 2013), increasing the humidity in the air to a range of 40-60 percent reduces the infectiousness of viruses. (source)

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