How to Setup Speakers

Updated: Jun 27, 2022 11:14 PM
How to Setup Speakers

Knowing how to set up speakers is crucial to achieving peak sound quality. Just because you’ve purchased a set of the best speakers on the market doesn’t mean that your journey is complete. There are a few tips and tricks we’ll show you below on how to position your external speaker system to get the best possible outcome.


  • Setting up your speakers for best performance requires considering each part of the system and testing different positions to see what sounds best.
  • Speaker configurations differ depending on the distance from each other, distance from the wall, and distance from corners.
  • After you go through the setup process, mess around with the sound settings and test positioning again to optimize your audio device setup.

Also, if you are yearning for more bass, we have an article that explains how to tap into rear speakers for subs.

Setting Up Your Speaker System

The speaker setup process varies depending on how many speakers are included in your sound system. So, while every guide is different, below are some general guidelines on speaker configurations for setting up a standard entertainment room for the best results.

Insider Tip

Keep your speakers out of the corners if possible to avoid unwanted reverb and echo.

And for those looking for a mobile setup, we have an article covering how to replace speakers in a car.


Examine the location in which you want to set up your speakers, and consider how to best use the space to position your speakers properly. The speakers must be equally distant from each other and where you’ll sit. It’s best to think of this as a triangle with all sides equal in length.


Set up the bass speaker against the wall, and run sound through the audio device to check the sound quality. Next, move the bass speaker about 6 inches from the wall and test it again. Repeat this process until you achieve the best sound.


Playing around with the front, right, and left speakers help blend and balance the overall sound quality. Begin by slightly tilting the speakers inward (this is called “toeing-in”) to see what that does to the overall sound. Continue trying different positions until you find one that sounds the best.


After everything is positioned, play with different settings on the control panel. You may need to elevate speakers on tables or stands to improve the audio experience.


Even if they are waterproof, make sure that wireless or smart speakers aren’t damp or wet when charging them to avoid severe damage to the system.


Are there ways I can improve my Alexa’s audio quality?

You can pair two Amazon smart speakers to improve volume and audio range. In addition, you can adjust the audio settings through the Alexa Equalizer control panel feature if you only have one audio device.

When should I use speaker stands?

If you are looking to enhance the audio quality of your sound system or find that your speakers are vibrating on the floor, speakers stands may be a worthwhile investment.

Is it ok to position a speaker up against a wall?

As a typical best practice, there should be some space between a speaker and a wall, but if you test your system and it sounds best against a wall, go with that.

STAT: It is recommended that about 10-15% of a speaker system’s total costs be on cables. (source)

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