The Best IPhone Insurance Plans

Updated: Jun 27, 2022 11:12 PM
The Best IPhone Insurance Plans

If you are looking to get your brand new iPhone covered under the best cell phone insurance plan, it is a good idea to know what options are available to consumers.


  • iPhones are expensive and consumers may want to invest in a high-quality insurance plan.
  • Many iPhone owners should choose from Apple’s in-house plans, AppleCare and AppleCare+.
  • Other options include carrier-based plans, such as Verizon Protect, and activating pre-existing renters and homeowners insurance plans.

Buying Apple Smartphone Protection

Apple devices are expensive, especially modern iPhones. This leads consumers to purchase extended warranties, insurance plans, and device-specific plans to ensure the safety and overall protection of their devices.

The Best iPhone Insurance Plans

There are a lot of choices out there when it comes to iPhone insurance. Here are some of the best plan ideas and services available, each offering the maximum amount of benefits in comparison to lesser competitors. However, before you choose a plan make sure that you are at par with their conditions. For instance, will you lose your insurance if you jailbreak your phone?

AppleCare and AppleCare+

If you have purchased an expensive Apple-manufactured device, it could make sense to choose the company’s proprietary insurance and warranty services. But is Applecare worth it? Standard AppleCare costs around $99 and offers one year of the types of coverage that are typically found with an extended warranty. In other words, if the phone breaks down due to manufacturer error, they will repair and replace it for the duration of the plan.

AppleCare+, however, can be purchased for around $199 and offers two full years of coverage with benefits that go above and beyond regular AppleCare. These benefits include paying for a large percentage of repair costs and completely replacing lost or stolen devices. As a warning, a device replacement will cost you around $149.

Insider Tip

AppleCare+ can be purchased for around $199 and offers two full years of coverage with benefits that go above and beyond regular AppleCare.

Asurion and Carrier Plans

Nearly every mobile phone carrier network offers its own insurance and warranty plans. Asurion, which is the insurance arm of Verizon Protect, is generally thought to be on the competitive side, with a relatively low monthly fee and a fair number of useful benefits. The same can be said for Sprint’s cell phone insurance plans and T-Mobile’s Protection 360 service. The bottom line? These carrier-based insurance plans tend to offer coverage for repairs and offer replacement devices to lost and stolen phones. Be sure to read the fine print before opting in.

Renters and Homeowners Insurance

It may surprise some consumers to know that their smartphones could be offered coverage under a standard renters or homeowners insurance plan. These plans typically offer benefits to any item that is placed within a home, which would include an iPhone, iPad, or any other Apple-manufactured device. If you already have a renters or homeowners insurance plan, go through the details to make sure your iPhone will be covered in the event of damage, loss, or theft.


If you already have a renters or homeowners insurance plan, go through the details to make sure your iPhone will be covered in the event of damage, loss, or theft.


Can I cancel my protection plan after purchase?

In most cases, yes, though you will have a limited amount of time to perform the cancellation. Most smartphone insurance plans allow for 30 days of use before the option to cancel runs out.

What if I upgrade to a different smartphone after purchasing my protection plan?

Most smartphone insurance plans should automatically transfer to your newly purchased smartphone. To be sure, contact your insurance provider.

Are there alternatives to smartphone insurance?

Yes. You can opt for an inexpensive extended warranty or rely on your homeowners’ or renters’ insurance.

STAT: Nearly 50 percent of smartphone owners break their devices in a given year. (source)

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