Although only a concept, Minox’s collaboration with 3D-Competence brings to the market the first believable and competent 3D compact camera that outputs a final image which doesn’t need dorky glasses for viewing. Check out our best 3D cameras for the real deal.
It uses four vertical lenses lined one on top of the other towards some mathematically complex geometric purpose. Four lenses means four sensors, and apparently they’re all 5 megapixel chips. With all lenses set at a fixed 9mm focal lens there’s no zoom capability.
The camera saves the final image as an Avi file, suggesting some millisecond magic that creates the 3D effect. With 4 different perspectives, there’s 4 possible final 3D images, and you get to choose between them. The different lens/chip modules will have different exposures, focal points, and even shutter speeds, probably creating an HDR effect on top of the 3D effect.
I’m sure Minox wouldn’t miss out on that opportunity. The camera will be available next year, and will cost around $680.
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