Virtual Reality is the next big thing in gaming and the Oculus Rift VR Simulator headset is one of the first devices that provides users such an experience. It is already established as one of the best vr headsets. Now the porn industry might be jumping on the bandwagon, with Jeroen Van den Bosh and his startup studio claiming to be be building “the world’s first erotic virtual reality adventure game” for the device. The game is called “Wicked Paradise,” with Van den Bosh stating that he believes he has identified an “unfulfilled need” within the gaming world. His past development credits include Backbreaker‘s mobile version, and he hopes to use the power of the Oculus Rift to him build a realistic erotic game, mentioning that past attempts were “ridiculously bad” with “rusty robots with faulty servos.” If you’re looking to bring this VR experience to your PC, take a look at the best computer for VR.
He also mentioned that the sex scenes in the game “Mass Effect” were more erotic than explicit adult video games because the characters were relatable and gamers actually cared about them. “I believe that virtual reality is the perfect medium for an erotic video game because you can make the player feel really connected to your computer characters,” he said in an interview with Road to VR. At first, “Wicked Paradise” will be a male heterosexual fantasy game, but Van den Bosch did say he wanted to release other games that all genders and those of all sexualities would enjoy. If you liked this review, you’ll also want to read our review of the PVR iris.
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