PlayStation Move Racing Wheel Promises More Realism for Car and Motorcycle Games (E3)

Christen da Costa Avatar
Updated 10:56 pm

PlayStation Move Racing Wheel Promises More Realism for Car and Motorcycle Games (E3)

Racing games are enchanced with the addition of just about any racing wheel.  However, we’re not quite sure we’ve ever seen a peripheral designed for those games that feature a motorcycle.  That is until today.

The Move Racing Wheel is very akin to that of Xbox’s Wireless Speed wheel, which we gave a fair rating earlier this year.  You’ll of course need a Move remote, which sits squarely in the center of the device and acts as the brains behind this controller, detecting your movements as you steer your vehicle through hair pins turns.  Sony has seen fit to include a d-pad just above the left handle along with a their traditional buttons on the opposing side.  What isn’t entirely evident at first blush, is that in addition to those folding handbars, Sony has included a set of throttle grips allowing you to inclufluence acceleration through a simple twisting motion.  We can only assume that that latter feature is relegated to motorcycle games, but perhaps it can be used in others.  Sony has also seen fit to include a set of paddle shifters, meaning you never have to take your hands off the wheel when in a hot pursuit.

The PlayStation Move Racing Wheel will be available this fall for $39.99.  It will support upcoming racing games like Little Big Planet Karting, in addition to PS3 racing favorites like Gran Turismo 5, Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit, BurnOut Paradise, MotorStorm Apocalypse, and more.

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