It’s important, when you wear jewelry, to wear something that has real meaning to you as a person. Gemstones, metals, many things can have a deep, personal association to you and should be worn with pride. Which is why we went out and found a tiny little Harrison Ford to put on your finger. You’re welcome.
Really, can you think of a person who doesn’t want this? Think of the galactic prestige that comes with having a major film character on your finger. OK, fine, so it’s really a big ol’ nerdy ring, but we actually really like this design, and not just for the fact that it’s Star Wars. There’s a really fascinating attention to detail here, and a nice touch is that it’s not festooned with crap: Han Solo In Carbonite probably the single most popular sculpture to be riffed on for products, ranging from coasters to desks, and a lot of people decide to dress it up instead of letting it be what it is. This is just metal and Han Solo, the way it should be.
This particular creation comes to us by way of Paul Michael Design, a Pittsburgh-area jewelry company that specializes, as you may have guessed, in custom designs. And full credit to the designer; he’s working on developing these in multiple metals. So far, on his Facebook photo, where this first cropped up, he’s discussed a version in sterling silver at $250 and a version in gold at $1275, plus he’s pricing titanium.
It is something of an open question as to what the new owners of a galaxy far, far away have to say about this, but considering the live and let live attitude Lucasfilm has had in the past on these things, it seems unlikely that Star Wars fans won’t at least get a crack at this for a little while.
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