Ripstik Vs Hoverboard

Updated: Jun 27, 2022 11:12 PM
Ripstik Vs Hoverboard

If you have been exploring personal transportation vehicle options, you have no doubt considered a Razor Ripstik VS a hoverboard. After all, even the best hoverboards struggle to pull off some of the tricks that the RipStik is known for. Keep reading to learn more about all of the differences between the two.


  • A RipStik is a personal transportation vehicle manufactured by industry giant Razor.
  • The key difference between a RipStik and a hoverboard is how riders move. Hoverboards use balance and momentum whereas RipStik’s use a unique foot-twist throttle mechanism.
  • The unique throttle mechanism gives RipStiks a much steeper learning curve than hoverboards.

Differences Between Ripstiks and Hoverboards

At first glance, Ripstiks and hoverboards are extremely similar. They both feature similar aesthetics, an electric motor, integrated lithium-ion batteries powered via battery charger, and more. While the two aren’t as different as when comparing something like a hoverboard vs a snowboard, there are some key differences between the two vehicle types.

Insider Tip

Be sure to adhere to the weight limit when using a hoverboard or a RipStik caster board. This will ensure your item lasts for a long time.


The key difference between a Razor RipStik and a hoverboard is how riders use each to get around. Hoverboards are also known as self-balancing scooters, as riders use their own body weight and momentum to adjust thrust and velocity. A Razor RipStik, on the other hand, allows riders to thrust forward by twisting their feet, as RipStiks lack gyroscopic sensors. A RipStik caster board more closely resembles an electric skateboard, though with a different movement set.

Learning Curve

Hoverboards are known for being easy to learn and easy to ride. The same cannot be said of Razor RipStik caster boards. The aforementioned twisting motion can take a little bit of getting used to, and riders are given no balance-based feedback to let them know if they are about to fall. Skateboard users may also take a bit of time to get used to a RipStik, as they won’t have to push forward, rather twist side-to-side.


RipStiks are a budget-friendly alternative to some of the higher-end hoverboards out there. Manufacturer Razor has ensured mass adoption of their RipStik by keeping the price low. Some hoverboards can price match a RipStik, but they would be models on the lower end of the quality spectrum.


Hoverboards tend to be more durable than the RipStik, with a higher maximum weight capacity. Modern hoverboards are made for adults of all sizes, whereas the RipStik is essentially made for kids and teens. RipStik’s low price point also means that the components are not of a particularly high caliber. In other words, a good hoverboard will survive more accidental crashes and drops than a RipStik.


Always wear a protective helmet when riding either a hoverboard or a RipStik. Accidents do happen.


Hoverboards vs. electric scooters: Who wins?

This depends on personal preference and the actual product description. Hoverboards are great for kids, while electric scooters are great for both teens and adults. They both come with a good battery charger, a lithium-ion battery, and some even feature an innovative design.

Electric skateboard vs hoverboard – Which is better and safer?

Hoverboards are definitely safer, but as for better it depends on your needs. If you already know how to ride a regular skateboard, then electric skateboards will not feature a steep learning curve. If you are new to skateboards, however, then the learning curve with electric skateboards will be steep.

Is the cheaper hoverboard better?

There are plenty of budget-friendly options that are decent. When shopping for a budget-friendly hoverboard, look for a safe hoverboard, pay attention to the product dimensions, and read some product guides for reviews.

STAT: In 2017, the global market value of hoverboards was estimated to be worth approximately 2.77 billion U.S. dollars. (source)

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