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OKIDOKEYS Smart Lock Review: Lock and App

Al Landes Avatar

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Updated 6:56 pm

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Our smart lock reviews reveal that the name might be clever, but the idea of a “smart lock” is right up there with other conveniences that only the 21st Century can provide. So what makes the OKIDOKEYS Smart Lock worth considering, no make that worth having? The fact that it does what you would want it to and doesn’t require home repair skills that usually end up ruining something. $189.00 gets you the starter kit which handles one door — that might be all that’s needed but if not, additional modules can be added later on for reasonable costs. Color schemes available too with the starter kit, courtesy of cover plates, should matching the interior decor be a big thing to you or yours.

Screwdriver. Screws. Patience.

Read the instructions, view the online video. You’re going to remove the interior deadbolt (above the doorknob) then mount the Smart Lock module in place on the inside of the door in such a way that it holds onto the external key cylinder — none of this is visible from the outside of the door. After a plate has been attached, the module itself is lined up and connected, with a door sensor then connected to the module, followed by a sensor magnet. This is less complicated than it sounds but use of the instructions made it straightforward. Batteries are then installed and a recording of the serial number made. A button activation is then put into effect, with colored LEDs indicating the status (i.e., successfully aligned). I was then able to use “hard” buttons on the module to test the door sensors door-opening abilities, followed by placing the outer cover on. I then had to register/create an account on the OKIDOKEYS website. I followed this by installing the app and created a PIN to use.


Because my iPhone had the right sort of Bluetooth, I didn’t have to physically place it against the OKIDOKEYS — also if I had a Smart-Gateway from the company, apparently I would not have needed to do this even if I had a non-BT 4.0 phone. A free license must be activated so that such functions as sharing keys, controlling OKIDOKEYS devices and managing individual users of the system (up to 10) can be enacted. This can be done through the website and also via the Apple/Android app — with the app having less restrictions on control. But to fully use the system and not be constrained, the $24.99 yearly license will seem a good deal to most.

I See Nothing

The outside lock looks normal so nobody is the wiser. There are 5 modes to choose from — activated from the Smart-Lock itself. These consist of “Normal,” wherein locking/unlocking is done with authorized “smart keys,” “Passage” for the lock staying in the unlocked position, “Passage with Tone” where a sound is emitted each time the door is opened (requiring the door sensor to be in place), “Alarm” where unauthorized attempts to unlock the door sets off the sound (or if the door is forced open) and “Mechanical” where no electronic features are activated. Plus you can add a Smart Reader (seen outside the door) which will work with the lock and let you use RFID tags (card, wristband, etc.) plus it works with non-smart cells.

Look Ma, No Hands!

Besides using the app to unlock the door when you are near it, you can also lock it, create send or cancel “keys” for others to use with the door, receive notifications when the door is unlocked and get a warning that it’s being opened from the module itself (an alarm). I liked the inclusion of  having it re-lock itself after the door is closed too. For all its sophistication, OKIDOKEYS is a simple electronic/wireless door locking system that only requires minimal installation skills. The big plus is the actual use it brings to one’s home.

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