Simichrome All Metal Polish Tube Review

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Updated 11:26 pm

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Capable of removing surface rust and leaving the item like new even if it’s an heirloom or family silverware, the polish paste has a point of pride being a general use for metal polishing. However, if you’re interested particularly in polishing aluminum, then our Best Aluminum Polish guide is for you, with the Mothers 05101 Mag Aluminum Polish taking a prime position. And if you are a DIY enthusiast, you may want to check the best tools you can buy today!

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Why We Like It – Simichrome All Metal Polish Tube

The Simichrome All Metal Polish Tube is the world’s finest al metal polish. Any uncoated, non-ferrous metal surface brass, gold, silver, aluminum, magnesium, pewter, chrome, sterling, copper, and stainless steel basically all non ferrous metals can be brought to a brilliant shine using Simichrome Metal Polish Tube.

  • Professional Formula
  • Rescues Poorly Maintained Metal
  • Long Lasting Protective Coating
  • Relatively expensive per ounce

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After polishing the Simichrome Polish leaves a thin protective coating to help prevent re-tarnishing as it leaves metal like new. Simichrome is the perfect product to polish tools and die molds, anywhere an ultra fine final polishing is required, you only need a very small amount of Simichrome Metal Polish to achieve beautiful results, and there is one unique account of it working on a lacquer guitar finish though the person who made the video did emphasize to only use it on that type of finish and not at all if the scratches were down to the wood.


Coming in a metal tube the polish is a pinkish paste that spreads with ease and requires little to no pressure to apply, unlike some other polishes the Simichrome All Metal Polish Tube. It polishes just about any metal you can put it on.


With free shipping through the United States this great product is hard to say no to as it’s among the cheapest polishes at face value, and has a good chance to do its job correctly without damaging anything. Though you run into a similar problem as the Flitz Multi-Purpose Polish and Cleaner as you don’t actually get too much for the cost making it a little harder to choose if you’re looking to get every bang for your buck.

Simichrome All Metal Polish Tube Wrap Up

That’s the Simichrome All Metal Polish Tube, it’s got a good rate of doing its job to a high degree of success but there are options like the Chemical Guys SPI_402_16 Restorer Protectant that will give more polish but will cost more upfront.

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