The Best Secret Back Door Every Drug Dealer & Kidnapper Will Want (video)

Updated: Jun 27, 2022 11:14 PM


Drug dealers listen up, because no matter you are in the world − Britain, United States, Netherlands − you’re gonna love this house mod.

Created by YouTube user Oggfaba, this door is located at the back of the house, blends in almost perfectly to the facade, and works with a remote control and keypad for added security.  If you too want to create a door of this ilk, you’ll need some carpentry skills to say the least, but there is no reason why you can’t hire a contractor to do it.  In fact, Oggfaba candidly shows how the door works in the video, and includes the components used to make it. But to begin with, you might first want to invest in the best home security system.

There are a few ways to enter.  The first is using a remote, which wirelessly unlocks the electronic deadbolt.  If the remote isn’t available, or the batteries expire on the deadbolt, there is a small panel that lifts up to reveal a numeric keypad and an old school key slot.  From an angle the seams of the door are almost imperceptible, and thanks to the addition of the faux faucet, its facade is a bit more convincing.  That all being said, provided no one can see you enter or exit from the secret door, you could very well use this mod to add a secret room to your house.  Perfect for storing copious amounts of illicit drugs, weapons, or over-privileged children that should net a hefty ransom. But just to keep track of whoever discovers the door by mistake, install the best home security camera that can watch the side of the house where the secret door is located. If you are adamant about installing a security system, check out the best home security system atlanta guide to see how home safety is important, even if crime rates are low in your state.

The Best Secret Back Door Every Drug Dealer & Kidnapper Will Want (video)

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