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    Trip Glasses Review

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    Trip Glasses Review

    Talk about a party favor.  I mean who doesn’t like to trip?  Having recently experienced CornField Electronics’ Trip Glasses, I’m very glad there is not one part of me that is epileptic. While these may not be the best smart glasses on the market, they’re definitely something you’ll want to pull out at your next party.  The packaging makes note of some sort of meditation that can occur when you wear the glasses but I don’t believe that malarky one bit.  Perhaps if your definition of meditation is in fact hallucination, then maybe, you should invest in these gadgets. If you’re contemplating the much staider and hallucination-free regular prescription glasses, then we know where you can get the best eye glasses online.

    To explain it bluntly, the Trip Glasses are less like glasses and more like a kaleidoscope of blunt force trauma to your senses.  Some people who tried it had mixed results, but I can honestly say that I could trigger my inner shroom no problem. If you’re always keeping an eye out for the latest tech, you should also read our Jacob Jenson’s weather station (takes the weather modular) review.

    Back to what these things are.  I suppose you could call them a personal light show.  They are really easy to use and are great to have around when partying, hitting the bong, or stuffing LSD into open wounds with a shovel. If you are looking for a different kind of glasses, you should also read our review of the Ion glasses (slightly more discreet than Google glass).

    All you do is put the glasses and earphones on and hit the start button.  The light show sequence lasts for 14 minutes and there is no off button.  The best way I described how to use the glasses to those who tried it was to gently close your eyes and try and look through your eyelids. But if you’re looking for smartglasses, check out our review of the Vuzix M300 smart glasses.


    I couldn’t last all that long before I had to remove them, but it didn’t matter.  I’d say if you like that type of artwork where you have to stare at the pixelated image until an object appears, than the Trip Glasses will definitely work for you.  I felt like I could really control the patterns I was seeing and it was crazy.  Hippies will love this thing no doubt! But if you need glasses that help reduce digital eye strain, Gunnar Glasses are a stylish solution.

    What didn’t really help was the droning brain freeze noise that oozed out of the attached earphones.  That’s not to say that you couldn’t listen to your own jam band music while using the Trip Glasses and the earphones are removable as well. Ever thought of gadgets for your garden? You need to check out the Parrot flower power indoor outdoor bluetooth smart plant sensor review.


    Over the course of the 14 minute sequence the lights inside the glasses change without warning and you’re instantly teleported to all new trip zone.  Using them in the late afternoon into the early evening they looked really sweet in the dark as the wearer resembled Satan, or some other type of evil being to say the least.

    What more can I say about these things?  If you like to trip out or know someone who does the Trip Glasses are a real one of a kind “legal” way to trip.  I wouldn’t recommend wearing these all day or putting them on someone who’s sleeping but like anything else, moderation is the best approach. Otherwise, you will need to read the DNA capsule review before you take a trip to another dimension and never come back.

    Priced at $40, some of you will say “hey, that’s about the price of a bag of weed”, but these Trip Glasses will last way longer.  End result is that you should take a week off the weed and buy these glasses. Jerry thanks you. Because maybe someone who was too much on the weed also managed to invent the Hay fever hat – another bizarre Japanese gadget.


    • Visually trip out immediately
    • Great for parties and times of inebriation
    • Legal


    • Don’t use them for too long
    • Sounds could have been cooler
    • Not suited for everybody

    Buy the Trip Glasses here for $40!!!

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