Waze’s “Road Goodies” Makes A Game Of GPS Improvement

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Updated 10:54 pm


You may not have heard of a Waze lately, but it’s a GPS application that started out as an Android only app, but quickly expanded to iPhones, WinMo and Symbian, and all for free besides.

Well, recently, Waze changed just a bit by turning itself into a kind of mobile game.  Called “Road Goodies”, it essentially operates like a giant game of Pac-Man for your GPS.  You control your character on a field that looks a lot like a map of your immediate area, and you move your character outward, gobbling up icons for points.

Not only is this app actually a good shot of Pac-Man-esque fun, it’s also a good deed.  See, those icons that you’re gobbling up for points represent a map problem spot, and when you play the game and much the icons, you’re helping Waze improve its mapping.

Better, there’s word that Waze will be holding a “Holiday High Points Challenge” to recognize high scorers, and future versions of the game will not only change icons on a seasonal basis but also offer “surprise filled treasure chests”.

Game and improve a GPS app?  Sounds like a plan to me!


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