What is sRGB? It is an abbreviation of standard Red, Green, and Blue colors. sRGB is a specific color space that all consumers use on most mobile devices and the best computer gaming monitors. You can find sRGB in cameras, digital printers, scanners, projectors, and even laptops. In addition, the W3C defines the color space of the web as sRGB.
- Each color in the sRGB color space can produce different variations of other colors.
- sRGB is king: most consumer devices, applications, and web browsers default to sRGB.
- Color spaces like Adobe RGB contain more saturated colors than sRGB.
When Should One Use sRGB?
Firstly, it depends on whether the type of monitor you want to purchase has a wide gamut. Secondly, the kind of work you want to do with the monitor also matters. So, if you are not printing often or need a wide gamut, then sRGB serves the purpose. On the other hand, if you do not own a wide gamut monitor, just use the sRGB option for your work from start to finish. It is the best way to deliver consistent images in print or on the web. We also think that you may be interested in learning how QHD monitors offer sharp visuals.
What is the Difference Between sRGB and RGB?
sRGB only covers 35% of the color space; it is not the widest. But sRGB is supported by any type of monitor on the market. In 1998, Adobe built the Adobe RGB color space. It is almost similar to sRGB. The Adobe RGB takes up approximately 50% of the color space in CIE. Generally, there is hardly any difference between sRGB and RGB.
Adobe RGB does not have more colors than sRGB. However, they both have 16.7 million (256x256x256) colors. This number is the maximum that both color spaces can create. The only difference is that Adobe RGB takes up a larger space.
sRGB Android
The color management in sRGB Android makes it possible for colors to be the same way across multiple devices. Starting with the Android version 8.0, the colors stretch, meaning that any color appears to be intense. The final result is saturated colors. VSync is important for gaming, but unfortunately does not affect brightness and color levels, including color depth. Now, if you look at most applications on Android, they compensate for the saturation.
Insider Tip
The color management in sRGB Android makes it possible for colors to be the same way across multiple devices.
Why do my images become dull once I upload them online?
When you edit your image on GIMP or Photoshop, a color profile embeds into it. However, your image will look dull since browsers force pictures to take on the sRGB color profile. So, suppose you do not convert the image on your photo editing software to have the sRGB color profile. In that case, the browser will convert it, and the result will not look pretty. Now, to ensure that your images appear the way they should, always convert the image to sRGB before uploading to the internet.
Which is the best color space to use?
It depends on what you want to do. If you work with digital images, it is proper always to deliver images with the sRGB color profile. On the other hand, most consumer labs do not use Adobe RGB, and you do not want to submit poor-quality photos to your clients. Generally, never forget to convert your images to sRGB before uploading them to the web.
Which type of monitor should I purchase that has sRGB?
You need to purchase a screen that hits 99-100% sRGB color space. Some cheap monitors can display anywhere between 92% and 95%. With this option, you will be missing some shades of colors. It is essential to use a monitor with the right amount of SRGB color space if you want to deliver quality online content. If you can purchase a quality screen, go for a monitor with sRGB and 80-100% of the DCI-P3 color space. For more info, read our DCI P3 vs sRGB resource article. DCI-P3 is a much more extensive color space than sRGB. Therefore, you can calibrate it depending on the project.
STAT: Many screens on the market have a coverage of more than 100% sRGB. So, content creators who work in the sRGB color space have more saturated colors to work within their projects. (source)