What Plants are Good Air Purifiers?

Updated: Jul 7, 2022 7:24 PM
What Plants are Good Air Purifiers?

If you have been looking for the optimum solution to bring pure and filtered air into your home, you may begin looking into plants. Plants purify the air naturally as part of their overall design. But what plants are the most effective air purifiers? That’s where we come in.


  • Plants are natural air purifiers, thanks to a chemical reaction known as photosynthesis.
  • In addition to photosynthesis, plants combat airborne toxins by releasing chemicals called phytochemicals.
  • There are plenty of great plants that can double as air purifiers, including the Snake Plant, Aloe Vera, and the Barberton Daisy.

How do Plants Purify Air?

Before we get into which plants are best at purifying air, it can be helpful to understand how plants work to freshen the atmosphere. Plants clean the air through a process called photosynthesis, which is also how they receive nutrients. Humans breathe in oxygen and release carbon dioxide, but plants do the opposite. They absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen. This works to purify the air.

That’s not the only mechanism at work when it comes to the air purification abilities of plants. As they undergo photosynthesis, many plants release airborne chemicals called phytochemicals. These chemicals are released to protect the immediate atmosphere surrounding the plant and they do a great job at combating airborne pathogens, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), allergens, and more.

Insider Tip

Humans breathe in oxygen and release carbon dioxide, but plants do the opposite. They absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen. This works to purify the air.

Which Plants are Best at Air Purification?

It is not a must that you buy an air purifier. This is usually hectic as you start wondering what size air purifier you need or which is the best model. Instead, there are dozens of appropriate plant types to place in the home to naturally purify the air. Here are some of your best options.

However, compare the Dyson AM11 vs TP02 before settling on a plant purifier. Moreover, you’ll need to know how to change a HEPA filter for your air purifier and understand how carbon air filters work, depending on the model you buy.

Barberton Daisy

Not only are these plants attractive, with a cheerful red and yellow blend, but they are also highly effective at removing certain common household pathogens. The Barberton daisy is great at removing plenty of airborne toxins, including formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, and benzene. These toxins can be found in a variety of household cleaners and fibers. As a note, keep the Barberton Daisy in a room that gets plenty of sunlight.

English Ivy

Not only do English Ivy plants grow rapidly and without too much fuss, but they are also a fantastic option to naturally purify the air of a bathroom. Why? English Ivy plants excel at removing the kinds of toxins that are typically found in fecal matter. Studies have also shown that they do a decent job at combatting mold spores, so try to keep your English Ivy in a room that gets some moisture. Give your English Ivy four hours of sunlight a day and plenty of water to receive the maximum benefit


The Chrysanthemum is a good option to place in the kitchen, as these plants do a great job at removing a host of toxins typically found in kitchen cleaning products. They can eradicate ammonia, benzene, and more. These gorgeous plants should get plenty of sunlight throughout the day, so recommend placing one near a sun-drenched window.

Insider Tip

As they undergo photosynthesis, many plants release airborne chemicals called phytochemicals. These chemicals are released to protect the immediate atmosphere surrounding the plant and they do a great job at combating airborne pathogens, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), allergens, and more.

Snake Plant

The humble Snake Plant, otherwise known as Mother-in-Law’s Tongue, is a great option for purifying the air of a bedroom. This yellow-tipped succulent is attractive and specializes in releasing oxygen during the night. This had led to multiple studies being conducted to test the efficacy of the Snake Plant on improving a night’s sleep. The results? They work to remove toxins at night, easing the strain placed on the respiratory system. Try not to overwater a Snake Plant, as they are sensitive.

Spider Plant

Not only are Spider Plants resilient and easy to care for, but they also do a great job at removing toxins such as carbon monoxide and xylene. Additionally, the Spider Plant is completely nontoxic to animals, making them a great choice for pet owners. You can re-pot any miniature Spider Plants that form as you care for the original, creating an army of toxin-reducing green friends.

Aloe Vera

The infamous Aloe Vera plant isn’t just for calming skin rashes and the like. This plant also does a good job at removing common household toxins such as formaldehyde and benzene. These chemicals are found in plenty of cleaning agents and are considered volatile organic compounds. Give your Aloe Vera plant plenty of sunlight so it can thrive.

Tired of wondering what kind of disinfectant you can put in your air purifier? If so then these plants will work perfectly for you.


As a note, keep the Barberton Daisy in a room that gets plenty of sunlight.


Can indoor plants really purify the air?

Yes, plants can really purify the air, as that is what they have been doing on planet Earth for billions of years.

How many plants do you need to purify a room?

This will depend on the size and efficacy of the plants and the size of the room. Shoot for two plants per 100 square feet. Even just a few strategically placed plants can make a big difference.

Why does indoor air quality matter?

Humans spend most of their time indoors, up to 90 percent in many cases. In other words, we breathe in a whole lot of indoor air.

STAT: A study by NASA found that spider plants were able to remove 95% of chemicals from the air in 24 hours. (source)


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