If you have recently purchased a modern inkjet printer, you may be wondering why replacement ink cartridges cost so much money. You may experience this especially if you buy the top-rated printers in the market. There are several reasons for this as will be explored in this guide.
- Ink cartridges tend to be expensive for several reasons, as the manufacturers must account for the cost of research and development.
- These cartridges can also be pricy due to the fact that they are used by the manufacturer to offset the relatively low cost of the printer itself.
- If you want to save money on ink cartridges, go with a third-party option or manually refill the cartridge.
What Makes Ink Cartridge Prices So High?
A number of factors help to determine the average price of ink cartridges.
Research and Development
Ink manufacturers spend a lot of money on research and development so as to be able to concoct efficient ink cartridges. Ink can only be sourced from a number of materials, including various oils and dyes, and it is important to remember that most modern inkjet printers need enough ink to create four base colors.
Insider Tip
Ink can only be sourced from a number of materials, including various oils and dyes, and it is important to remember that most modern inkjet printers need enough ink to create four base colors.
Offset Cheap Printer Prices
Printer manufacturers like to sell printers at a loss with the intent to make up that money with the sale of ink cartridges. Experts have suggested that the overall cost to manufacture a printer is actually more expensive than what consumers payout to purchase one. In other words, the ink cartridges are sold with profit in mind. To that end, many printer manufacturers make it difficult for consumers to use third-party ink cartridges with their printers.
Brand Recognition
The top players in the ink cartridge industry can and do mark up their products due to high brand recognition. Think of HP and related ink manufacturers as akin to a company like Apple. For such brands, you may have to get their dedicated cartridges or you will keep wondering why can’t your computer find your wireless printer.
Save Money on Ink Cartridges
There are some ways you can save money on your monthly ink cartridge bill.
Third-party Cartridges
You can opt to purchase and install third-party ink cartridges to save some money. Before you do that, however, make sure your printer can accept these off-brand cartridges. Some printer manufacturers will purposefully make it difficult to install third-party cartridges. Additionally, be sure to read reviews on the company you are purchasing ink cartridges from. There are a lot of shady companies out there with subpar products.
Ink Refills
Insider Tip
Printer manufacturers like to sell printers at a loss with the intent to make up that money with the sale of ink cartridges.
Another option is to manually refill the ink cartridges instead of purchasing new ones. You can do this by purchasing bulk ink and watching a tutorial video. Some retail stores even offer the service, which can cut down on the hassle. Just know where to refill printer cartridges and you will always save some change.
Eliminate Waste
Many ink cartridges are disposed of before they are fully depleted. Be sure your cartridge has been sufficiently emptied before heading out to shop for a new cartridge. You may have to ignore some warnings from your printer, alerting you that the cartridge is nearly out of ink.
Are generic printer ink cartridges as good as branded ink cartridges?
This depends on the cartridge itself. Some generic cartridges are fantastic, while others are risky. Do your research to find a great ink cartridge.
What are the profit margins on printer ink cartridges?
As for a numerical value, it is unclear. However, it is widely known that printer ink cartridges act as a primary money maker for printer manufacturers.
Are printer ink cartridges a scam?
Not a scam, as they are needed for an inkjet printer to function. There can, however, be a bit of a price markup when it comes to printer ink cartridges.
STAT: The oldest ink drawing in the world was created 73,000 years ago, according to archaeologists. (source)