Why is My Volume Not Working?

Updated: Jun 27, 2022 11:14 PM
Why is My Volume Not Working?

If you are new to the world of home audio, you may wonder why your volume is not working. Even the best speakers, after all, can encounter volume-related issues from time to time. So why does volume control fail with speakers and what can you do about it? Keep reading to find out.


  • If your volume control is not working, start by looking for the volume button or volume slider on the speakers and on your audio output devices.
  • Next, look for any applicable audio driver software update for your audio device, downloading and installing as necessary.
  • You should also make sure that your devices are fully charged, restart them if necessary, and access the sound settings.

Speaker Volume Issues

If you are encountering volume issues with the home audio setup, you may ask “why is my speaker not working.” After all, without volume, it may appear as if the speakers are broken, no matter if you have the best home speakers, the best travel speakers, or, even, the best boat speakers. In any event, here are the common volume issues that impact speakers and some tips to get these issues fixed.

Insider Tip

Also check your power outlets to ensure they are operating normally and delivering electricity to all devices.

Check the Dedicated Volume Knob

Check every dedicated volume knob at your disposal. Not all speakers even include volume knobs, but some do, so scour the exterior looking for the appropriate dial or set of buttons. This is helpful for regular speakers, or even if you are wondering why your subwoofers aren’t working. While you are at it, check any volume dials or settings pages via the audio source devices, such as your phone, record player, stereo system, or computer. As a matter of fact, many who ask “why is my iPhone’s sound not working” get an answer when they encounter the volume knob.

Update Audio Drivers

Most of the time, the problem lies with your audio source and not your actual speakers. However, some modern speakers like wireless Bluetooth models use advanced software, called audio drivers, to interact with your other devices. Make sure these drivers are up to date and do the same with any connected audio devices. When these drivers fall out of fashion, it can certainly impact the volume controls.

Restart Devices

It may sound simple, akin to the old-school “blow in the cartridge” approach, but restarting your audio source devices often do the trick when it comes to volume control. So, give it a shot. Restart everything, including your speakers if they use an active power source. On a similar note, make sure all of your connected devices, and your speakers, are fully charged if they feature an integrated battery. If the power gets low, it can certainly impact volume controls.


What if my sound still isn’t working?

Maybe you are muted? Look for the volume icon or speaker icon to check that out and then access the audio settings. When all else fails, restore the device to its factory settings.

Why is my TV sound not working?

Check the instructions before doing anything serious, but start with pressing the volume button and then connecting external speakers, as a test against the television’s internal speakers.

Why is there no sound on my laptop?

A laptop is considered an audio device, so look for the digital volume up button, download drivers, and perform related troubleshooting steps to clear up audio issues.

STAT: Johann Philipp Reis installed an electric loudspeaker in his telephone in 1861; it was capable of reproducing clear tones, but later revisions could also reproduce muffled speech. (source)

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